And Down I go....

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I am sitting here on the shore of this sea,Want to drown away in it so deep,The mermaids calling out to me like flowers to a bee,I just want to jump so I can weep and weep

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I am sitting here on the shore of this sea,
Want to drown away in it so deep,
The mermaids calling out to me like flowers to a bee,
I just want to jump so I can weep and weep.

In those seas are worlds we have never seen,
Worlds with angels and demons,
Where Jack lies with his beans,
And Goldilocks flips her hair with golden seams.

I put my pinkie toe in, to contemplate,
Should I jump or should I not?
But then I push those thoughts aside and leave it all to fate,
I take a leap and make the biggest jump I could ever make which sounded like a gun shot.

I pushed through into the deepest part,
Then I settled myself there to let gravity do it's job,
I realised I couldn't breathe, I know I am so smart,
In the distance I could spot a black blob.

It was death coming for me,
The feeling of sinking so low creeping inside,
The indescribable emotion under the sea,
No pain, no worries, not stress to hide.

My lungs were filled with all the darkness I had found,
I was paralyzed, my body was numb,
I was losing control of myself, I was spiraling open now,
I didn't have a care in me, at least I couldn't be called dumb.

My body was tired and had gone to sleep,
My brain was in it's last stages,
Just a few more seconds and I was free to leave,
It was a bit sad though, that my life was only fifteen pages.

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