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Hustling cars race on the roads,Roads that lead to miscellaneous places,Fenced by trees and shrubs,Crescent moon high up above,Can't shine enough to light up this world,But the streetlights in the corner brighten up my whole world

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Hustling cars race on the roads,
Roads that lead to miscellaneous places,
Fenced by trees and shrubs,
Crescent moon high up above,
Can't shine enough to light up this world,
But the streetlights in the corner brighten up my whole world.

Darkness crowds the road,
When no one is around,
The lights on the side glowed,
I was the only one to be spellbound.

I want you to know,
Even when they say the end is near,
I will be dancing in the rain,
When the whole world has slept in fear,
I will scream songs like I am insane,
And your light will be shining clear.

Even when I feel alone,
The solitude of the floor,
I lie down to look up at you,
Gleaming down at me, making my heart flutter.

The whole world just passes along,
Never looks at your blazing presence,
I keep glistening from your happy singsong,
Spiralling in the darkest quiescence,
Happy just because of you.

You shimmer under the night sky,
I get a book to read under your lights,
You keep me warm and I try,
To save you from all the evil plights.

Streetlights are there everywhere,
But you two are my favourite,
I love you to infinity and beyond,
Like I'm buzz lightyear and you're my woody.

Shush, I am in my sneakers that drench,
I don't have any jordans but I know you'll find me one,
I like sitting on the bench,
With you beside me glimmering brighter than the sun.

Melancholia creeps up on me,
But you still keep shining,
In this casually cruel world,
When black sweeps,
You make me feel like a hero under the spotlight.

But if you start to dim,
I'll wear my highest heels,
And shiniest dress, with a smile playing on my face,
I will glisten, twirling around for you,
And show you every way you light up my life.

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