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Amaimon and Astaroth grinned at Tristan being on board with their plan. When we first heard of this premonition from Iseldis' grandfather before they were born, we were terrified, but now we saw it as necessary. Diane and Elaine shifted a little uncomfortably when King, Azriel, and Elizabeth joined us. "Yo, what's up, Elizabeth?" Meliodas greeted. She gave him a closed eye smile, "Meliodas, Ali, it's good to see you," she looked at Astaroth next to me. "The resemblance is uncanny," she giggled. He ignored her and looked at his hands, despite her best efforts to get to know him, he had no interest. He knew he was the reason Meliodas left her and felt guilty, though time and time again we reassured him it wasn't his fault. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, it pained me to see how much he blamed himself for his dad's actions. Meliodas and I tried so hard to make him see it was never and would never be his fault but he wouldn't listen. It made me wonder if the argument Ban and I'd had when he was 4 was the start mixed with the judgement of some of the demons at home. "We should get going," Azriel urged the four of us. "You don't want to stay awhile and catch up, Az?" Tristan asked his cousin. "I'm sorry, Tristan. There's too much to do if we want to get ahead of Arthur before he does anything large scale," Azriel replied, smiling softly.

I stood up, the boys followed, and we joined their brother. The four of us walked into the hallway to give Meliodas some time to say bye to his friends and son. "How'd it go, Azy?" I asked, he looked apprehensive. "Elizabeth supports our endeavors but Harlequin is much more reserved. He's concerned it'll bring a dangerous unknown that may have dire consequences for Britannia. I understand his reservations but Arthur's threat is much more unknown with his magic. At least we know how to handle what we're planning to do," he responded. Meliodas finally emerged and Azriel immediately started walking towards the exit, "What's the rush, Az?" Meliodas asked as we followed after him. "I'm concerned Harlequin will make a rash decision despite, albeit hesitantly, agreeing to my proposition. We should leave before he tries to stop us," Azriel replied quietly. We hurried as quickly as possible without drawing undesired attention and made it out of Liones without issue.

"Let's head to that village now," Azriel decided. The five of us took flight and headed east, it was getting dark so it was perfect timing. We approached the village cautiously but we didn't feel any dangerous presence so we proceeded to one of the larger buildings. It was a makeshift hospital, housing 8 people who were all terminal. 5 men and 3 women, all ranging in age between the boys and Azriel. "Az! We're glad you came back. Are these your brothers?" one of the women asked, excitedly. He nodded, "Amaimon and Astaroth. This is my mom, Aleister and my uncle, Meliodas." We walked in behind the boys and her eyes widened, "I didn't think we'd get to meet your mother! Everyone! Az brought his mother with him!" she shouted to the others who were strewn about various beds in the room. Some of them leaned up, happiness on their faces.

I grinned at her, "You can call me Ali. I'm glad you're excited to see us." A man around Azriel's age came up, it was clear he was struggling physically, "Azriel, it's great to see you again. There are only 8 of us left, this illness has been hard on all of us but the deaths are worse." Azriel nodded sympathetically, "If you're all still willing, that's why we're here. I trust you've given it a lot of thought considering the life you'll be leading going forward should you choose to go with us." The woman nodded, "We have, we want to go with you. By the way, how is Iseldis? Did she have the baby?!" her eyes lit up. He grinned and nodded, "A girl, Lenora, after my grandma. She looks just like Ise." She squealed in excitement, "I hope I get to meet them someday!" Amaimon and Astaroth cleared their throats, "Should we get started?" Amaimon asked. Azriel looked at the group, "Now is your last chance to change your mind. Once you've turned, the only way out is death. You'll be leaving Britannia for a long time to get acclimated to your new bodies."

No one objected, so Amaimon and Astaroth prepared themselves mentally. They'd only bitten their dads and I when they were young and that was unintentional. This was going to be much different and Azriel and I tried our best to prepare them for how it would feel as well as controlling themselves so they didn't kill those they bit. "Are you a vampire as well, Meliodas?" the man that had approached us asked. He shook his head, "Not technically, no. Though it seems there's some characteristics from being bitten so much by those two. My demon blood seems to prevent most of the effects," he explained. "I'm glad we came, I didn't think about the fact that they'd need to be wrangled back to the demon realm and if we want to do it quickly, we'd have to fly," I pointed out. Azriel went with his brothers and coached them through the process. He'd only turned Iseldis and wasn't interested in doing it himself again but he remembered exactly how it felt so he was the best person to help them. I didn't have the capability to turn someone and they have free will, so I was useless on that front.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now