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—-Amaimon's POV—-
Dad rushed into my room and quietly closed the door, then breathed a sigh of relief. "Dad? What the hell are yo-" I started to ask him but he interrupted me, "Ssshhhhh! She'll hear you!" he harshly whispered. I furrowed my brows, "Are you talking about Mom? Why are you hiding from her?" I whispered back. He looked a little tired and came over to flop on his back on my bed, "You're not going to want to hear this, but your Mom has been insatiable during this pregnancy. I love sex as much as the next demon but I'm actually a little tired and I just abandoned Meliodas to be used by her." I giggled at him, "It can't be that much, can it? You're immortal, Dad and you became immortal with a young body there's no way your body can't handle it." He scowled at me, "I get that you're a teenager and that's probably all you think about these days but your Mom has been wanting it every single day multiple times a day and even if I'm immortal and have extremely fast regeneration...getting off that much still takes a toll, man!"

I couldn't help but laugh at him, "So you abandoned Uncle Mel just now?" He nodded with his eyes closed, "This is his baby, it's only fair he be thrown into the fire when we're both exhausted." I grinned at him, "If I know Uncle Mel, he's going to get payback and if I know Mom...which I do pretty well...she's going to look for you as soon as possible so you're just going to have to suck it up, Dad." He sighed heavily, "I love fucking your Mom but there's only so many times I can get off in a day without wanting to pass out." I scowled at him, "Okay, now you're being gross. That's my Mom you're talking about." He turned and grinned at me, "Your Mom's hot, I'm surprised you've never noticed others staring at her besides me and Meliodas." My bedroom door suddenly flung open and Uncle Mel rushed in in his Assault Mode, sweaty, and with a fresh bite mark on his neck. He grabbed Dad by the collar, "You little shit," he growled, grinning maliciously. I couldn't help but laugh at them both as Dad did his best to get out of Uncle Mel's grasp but I'd learned in Uncle Mel's Assault Mode you were pretty much doomed to his whims.

"Come on, Mel! I have to rule the realm and-" Dad started to protest as he was being dragged away. "You can't rule the realm from Amai and Asta's room and Az has it handled. Now get in Executioner Mode, that's what she wants right now," he growled at his younger brother. I cackled from my spot on the bed, even with how old they were and everything they'd been through in life they still acted like teenagers themselves sometimes especially when it came to interacting with each other. The amount of times I'd watched them play rock paper scissors was way too high and Dad always stubbornly played rock which Uncle Mel always took advantage of. Dad was holding on tightly to my door frame when I heard Astaroth walk up, "What the hell are you doing Dad? Uncle Zel?" Uncle Mel was still in Assault Mode so he didn't give a shit about sugar coating anything, "Your Uncle Zel is trying to hide so he doesn't have to fuck your Mom since she's been wanting it constantly lately. But she wants us both right now so he's just going to have to put his big boy Demon King pants on." I heard Astaroth start laughing his ass off then Dad suddenly lost his grip on the doorway, "You're dead to me Asta!" I heard him growl as he was dragged off. "You should appreciate my Mom's willingness to sleep with either of you demons!" he yelled after them then came in the room still laughing so hard he was crying.

"Our Dads are idiots sometimes," he giggled, wiping the tears from his face. I grinned, "I was just thinking the same thing. It's hard to believe they've executed two Gods and fought in two wars when they're trying to hide from Mom right now just because they're tired." He giggled and grinned back, "And they're the ones that lecture us if you're gonna have sex with a girl, you better be okay with having a kid. They knew what they were getting into, that's how the 4 of us came about. That's what they get for thinking with their dicks all the time," he couldn't help but cackle again. Azriel came in our room, "Have either of you seen Dad?" he asked, we both lost it instantly. "He and Dad are a little indisposed right now with Mom," Astaroth replied. Azriel frowned at us, "You laugh but Iseldis was like this with me and Niya with Ror'an so I hope you experience this one day so you have a little more sympathy for Dad and Uncle Mel," he scolded.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now