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"Momma!" Rin exclaimed as he ran up to me, "Hey baby! What've you been up to?" I asked as I picked him up. "Mira and Lenny and Levy went to play in the garden but I wanted to come be with you," he replied quietly, laying his head on my shoulder. I smiled, Asta, Maimai, and Azy had all been very attached to me but Azy and Niya were fairly inseparable as well as Asta and Maimai but Rin had always been more of a loner or with me. I wondered if it was because Mira gravitated towards her nieces who were more extroverted like she was. "Do you wanna go walk around the city with me?" I asked him, he nodded against my body. There were hardly any people in the demon realm that were still upset that I had children with both Zeldris and Meliodas, it wasn't like when I'd bring Asta with me when he was little so it was a lot less stressful. "Where are you going?" I heard Zel's voice ring through. "Just a walk with Rin in the city. You can come if you'd like," I replied, we hadn't gotten very far, just to the bottom of the stairs of the castle's entrance. I stopped and waited for my dark haired lover to catch up with us, Rin was looking towards the city and fiddling with my hair. "Hi Uncle Zel," Rin greeted him quietly, grinning when Zeldris messed his messy hair up. "Hey little man," he grinned at the boy in my arms then kissed me on the forehead, "Ready?"

I nodded and we headed off towards town. It was lively as usual, the demon realm was vastly different now than it used to be and was sort of like the capital city of Liones now in terms of size and population around the castle. We walked leisurely through the streets, smiling as Rin pointed out various stores and stalls despite how busy the place was. "Would the Young Prince like a sweet roll?" one of the stall vendors asked as we were walking by. "You want one, Rin?" Zel asked him, he was clutching my shirt tightly but nodded and smiled softly. They handed one to Zeldris who handed it to the boy, "What do you say, baby?" I asked, knowing this was hard for him being so shy. He looked at them and mumbled, "Thank you," then quickly looked away. "You're welcome," they replied happily then looked at Zel and I, "It's so nice to see the royal family out. I remember when Lord Zeldris and Lord Meliodas were this little! Life is much different now thanks to all of you, thank you for that." I smiled at them, "This is how it should've been when they were growing up as well...minus everything happening in Britannia right now. Thank you again," we waved goodbye and continued.

"Uncle Zel, do you have new magic yet?" Rin asked, his big brown eyes peering up at him. "Not that I've noticed, buddy. How would I know?" he asked him sweetly. Rin hummed a little and played with a strand of my hair, "You'll feel it. Or you might do it on accident," he giggled after. It slightly concerned Zel and I, Asta and Maimai had told us what the supposed Serenity told them about Zel and Mel's new magic. Neither sounded good to be using accidentally. "I don't think using a power like that accidentally would be a funny thing, buddy. I don't want to hurt anyone," Zel explained to the boy who stared at him with his Dad's infamous blank face for a few moments. I was giggling internally, he had a personality similar to Zel's but so many of Meliodas' mannerisms showed through. "No, it's okay. You won't hurt anyone here," he said simply then looked back at me, "Can we go home now?" I grinned at him, "Sure thing, baby."

Later that night I was laying in bed with Zel, drawing circles on his chest. "Have you tried to figure out if you have new magic? Or I don't know, meditated on it?" I giggled after, Zel wasn't the meditating type. "I haven't, but from what Amai and Asta said, it seems we wouldn't really know unless there was some daylight for me to put out," he mused back, stroking my black hair. "You won't know until you try, Zel," we heard Meliodas' voice in our head. "You're one to talk, you've been like this longer and haven't tried either," Zel countered, making me giggle. "Yours doesn't sound like it's going to cause someone to go insane and attack everyone," his voice carried an air of sadness, he wasn't a fan of what the boys had told him of his power. Zel and I both sighed heavily, his brother felt a lot of guilt that we tried to help him with but he was stubborn. And he wondered where his blonde son got that from. "What if I try creating light and you try to get rid of it?" I asked him, it couldn't hurt, right? He hummed then sighed, "Why not, what's the worst that could happen?" I grinned and made a ball of light in my hand, it wasn't really anything special but enough to practice with.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now