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—-Astaroth's POV—-
I carried Mom in my arms as I followed Dad to the Fairy King's Forest. I would've been excited in other circumstances but Mom was passed out and Dad seemed scared, which was unlike him. If he was fearful, he'd never shown it to me before. Mom and Uncle Zel had told me stories about Dad's tremendous power but I'd never seen it before, not that I could remember. I was curious about his Assault Mode but Mom admitted she and Uncle Zel were afraid of him like that, he was nearly emotionless and ruthless. It was strange to think about Dad like that, he'd always been a goofy, loving Dad. He could be serious but he relaxed a lot more than Uncle Zel, so it was hard to imagine him any other way. I was worried about Mom, she wasn't waking up, the fight with Arthur must've taken a toll on her. Dad was already freaked out and upset he was incapacitated while she fought to protect him so I didn't want to worry him even more, but Mom's energy was different the last few months. "Dad, what was it like when you met Mom?" I asked as we flew above the clouds, hoping it would discourage any attacks and keep us from view. He looked back at me over his shoulder, he looked conflicted as to whether he should tell me or not. "She was afraid of me," he finally answered, facing forward. "It's hard for me to imagine you being scary, Dad. You've always been really great to Maimai and I...well all of us really," I reassured him, hoping he'd tell me more. He, Mom, and Uncle Zel had told us a little about their lives and it was clear Azriel and Niya knew more but they wouldn't tell Amaimon and I much really.

He sighed, "I tried to claim her for myself even though Zel rescued her from being killed. Well, we were supposed to kill her too, but neither of us could. He'd actually spent time with her when she was a small child. He thought I didn't know but I'm not stupid. They had a semi-secret relationship after she came with us to the demon realm when she was 18. Our Father forbid us from having relationships with vampires, they were our servants, and dhampirs were to be executed on sight. We trained your Mom as an assassin after I convinced our Father of it. I fell in love with her but I tried my best to keep from acting on it, watching her love and be with your Uncle. One day we had a weak moment and slept together. It was then I realized I had to leave the realm permanently or Zel would hate me...which ended up happening anyway because me leaving sparked the first Holy War and our Father ordered Zel to execute all the vampires due to their betrayal. He told her to hide in Britannia and he'd come for her when things calmed down but the goddess clan sealed the demon clan and he was gone for 3,000 years. Your Mom and I had a relationship on and off for a thousand years before he was released from the seal and she left me immediately for him. It destroyed me and I was hell bent on taking her back. After I was killed and lost my emotions, I released all my demonic power and reverted back to how I used to be. I nearly did steal her completely away from him, but she stopped it. I'd always been second to your Uncle in her eyes," he finished.

It made me sad to hear him say that. I looked down at Mom in my arms and wondered if she saw me the way others did, a mistake that should've never happened. "I know what you're thinking, stop it. Your Mom loves you more than her own life. She'd do anything for you and she doesn't regret sleeping with me because you came from it," he sighed again, "Your Mom and Uncle will probably kill me when they find out I told you this but they knew you were going to be born before you were even conceived. You know Iseldis has visions, well she predicted your and Amai's births and that you'd revive the vampire clan. That's why we've prevented the two of you from coming to Britannia as often, to protect you from those who wanted to keep you locked away. So, if anything, your Mom could've denied me and you would've never been born. You were wanted, Asta. So please stop thinking you're a mistake. It hurts your Mom and I knowing you think that of yourself," he finished. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Mom and Uncle Zel knew I was going to happen?

"Did you know? Before, I mean," I asked, curious. "No. They kept it from me but I was ecstatic when I found out. I had every intention of traveling back and forth to be with you and Tristan alternating between weeks as well as continuing to be the King of Liones. Your Mom and Uncle were fine with it and even had a room setup for me next to your nursery. Elizabeth didn't want it, she wanted you to think Zeldris was your father, and prevented me from seeing Tristan so while you were growing up, I told them I was visiting him when I came here but really I was just hanging out. Visiting the places your Mom and I had been when we were together before the second Holy War. She doesn't know that though," he explained. I smiled, though he wasn't looking at me so he couldn't see. I was pretty sure Mom loved him just as much as she did Uncle Zel, I could tell by the way she looked at Dad but also the energy she gave off around each of them. I contemplated telling him that when we arrived at the Fairy King's Forest. A couple of fairies greeted us, they recognized Dad and immediately led us in, especially when they saw Mom unconscious in my arms.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now