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"But...we thought Ali was the new vampire god...?" Tristan asked. "We did too...but we don't really have anything to go on on what a vampire god would be able to do...but she can create things out of thin air. It makes sense that she and Rin balance one another," Meliodas replied. "Yeah...but why?" Tristan wondered, we all wondered. "My theory is Mom and Rin became gods to fill the void that was left from the death of the Demon King and Supreme Deity. Considering Mom is a descendant of the original Vampire God and Dad and Uncle Mel are sons of the previous Demon King, it's no surprise one of us filled that void. Tristan could've just as easily with Aunt Elizabeth being the daughter of the Supreme Deity too. But what triggered it for Mom was probably when she used the magic ritual she inherited from the Vampire God and when she got pregnant, Rin became a god of destruction to balance her creation," Azriel answered after walking in. "You always were smarter than the rest of us, Az," Meliodas giggled, his hands behind his head.

"Azriel, congratulations on becoming the new Demon King. Mother extends her congratulations as well," Tristan smiled at his cousin, his eyes closed like his mother. Azriel rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I'm not the Demon King yet." Zel grinned at his firstborn, "Might as well be, you've grown into the role really well, Az. You're gonna be better than I was, for sure." Azriel blushed, "Only because I had you to guide me. Iseldis isn't sure how to feel about being the Demon Queen though," he giggled afterward. I giggled as well, "She won't have to do a lot probably, I didn't do anything except for take care of you kids. You're gonna do great, baby." I hugged him tightly, making him blush even more, "Now. Onto the time discrepancy, how would this happen? Did someone put a dimensional warp around the demon realm? The only one I know who could do that is..." I looked into Meliodas' blue green eyes, "Merlin," we muttered simultaneously.

"But why would Merlin do that if she's with Arthur? She created this chaos herself," Zeldris pointed out. "Maybe she's regretting her actions? But I don't know what a dimensional warp that changes the time linearity between our realms would benefit unless..." I trailed off. "What, Ali?" Zel asked, holding my hand as he felt my anxiety skyrocket, Meliodas grabbed my other hand at the same time. "Unless she's waiting for Rin to grow up...even if he was born a god of destruction to balance me out specifically...his destruction magic would be helpful against Arthur's chaos magic anyway," I pondered quietly, my heart beating quickly. All of us were silent until we heard Amaimon yelling after Rin again, "Rin! Come on buddy, they're busy in there you need to leave them alone!" We then heard Rin huff followed by a loud crash. All of us sprinted out of the throne room and saw Rin glaring at a hole in the wall. "Maimai!" I shouted as I ran over to help him up, "Are you okay?" He nodded and looked at his baby brother then to me, "I know you don't want to hear this, Momma, but this is the second time he's done this. The first time was to Asta...he's got Uncle Mel's temper worse than him. I don't know why Rin's acting like this all of a sudden."

Meliodas and I looked at each other with worried expressions then to our little guy who was still glaring at his older brother, tears welling in his brown eyes. "Mel...we gotta do something, he just knocked Maimai on his ass at 5..." I implored sadly to my blonde lover in my head. "I agree, but we didn't even have this much trouble with Asta when he was his age. Sure he had a temper and it'd sting if he hit you but...Rin is on an entirely different level..." Zel's voice came through as he picked Rin up. "Rin...you need to apologize to Amai, okay? That wasn't a nice thing to do to your brother, you could've really hurt him. Did you want to hurt him?" Zel asked him softly, his hand under the boy's chin to make him look into his green eyes. The tears started falling down his chubby cheeks as he shook his head, "No...I didn't want to hurt Maimai..." He looked at his older brother, "I'm sorry Maimai, I didn't want to hurt you..." he sobbed a little then hid his face in Zel's neck. "It's alright, buddy. I'm not hurt, but that's because I'm older and tougher. You know you can't do this to your sister and Lenny and Levy, right? You could really hurt them. But it's still not something you should do to anyone, regardless of how tough the person is, okay?" Amaimon reminded him quietly as he stroked his hair. Rin nodded against Zel's neck but didn't respond, instead just tightening his grip on his Uncle's shirt as the adults around him glanced at each other with concern.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now