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—-Astaroth's POV—-
When she grabbed my hand, I felt her nervousness skyrocket, confusing me. My hearts were beating a little faster than usual suddenly, maybe I was stressed out from the suddenness of all the humans being brought here. "Dad said Uncle Zel prevented our soldiers from killing you all because you're all around mine and Maimai's age," I told her. She looked a little confused. "Maimai is Amaimon, my slightly older brother, that's just what Mom and I call him," I pointed at him across the room, "He's the one with the white in his hair. The other one that looks like Uncle Zel is our oldest sibling, Azriel. He's also slightly taller than our parents. Mom says it's from our grandfather." She nodded, trying to take in all the information around her, "Are your grandparents here as well?" she asked. I shook my head, "Uhh, no. Dad killed his Dad because he was awful. He doesn't ever talk about his Mom. Mom's Dad was killed by Dad and Uncle Zel because he was a traitor to the demon and vampire clans over 3,000 years ago. Mom's Mom died giving birth to her because Mom's Dad was a vampire. Sorry if that was confusing," I explained, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly.

She looked at me horrified, "Your father killed his and his wife's father?!" I shrugged, "Well he killed Mom's Dad because his Dad ordered him to. They had shitty lives growing up, that's why they're all so determined to make sure we're shielded from stuff as long as possible. And they aren't married, that's a human thing. Actually I think Dad might still be married to the Queen of Liones." She looked shocked at my last sentence then smiled softly, "Arthur told us the demon realm is kidnapping humans and turning them into vampires. I assume that's by your Mom?" I grinned, "Oh no, that's all Maimai and I. Well, we're not kidnapping anyone. It's usually terminally ill people that we make sure are willing. But Maimai and I turn them. Mom can't, we think it's because her blood isn't diluted enough. She can only make people her mindless slaves whereas when we do it, they become vampires with their own free will. Azy turned his lover, Iseldis when they were 12 or so I think, but he hasn't bitten anyone since," I explained. She seemed content with that answer, or at least was mulling over the information.

"I'll leave you alone so you can get some rest. It's been a long night I'm sure. I'll see you in the morning, Erza," I grinned at her. She blushed again, I wondered if she had a fever. I walked over to where Dad, Mom, and Uncle Zel were and Dad threw his arm around my shoulders. "Well, well, well, I knew you were gonna have girls fawning over you, I mean you do look just like me!" he exclaimed, earning a slap across the head from Uncle Zel. "What're you talking about?" I asked him, Mom giggled in response. "You're as dense as your Dad," Uncle Zel chuckled, "That girl thinks you're cute. She was blushing up a storm when she shook your hand and right before you walked over here." I felt my cheeks start burning, making them all giggle at me. "Just as a reminder, baby. She's human. Their bodies are fragile, keep that in mind," Mom warned, making me blush even harder. "Mom! Stop! Jeez, I just met her!" I grumbled, shrugging Dad's arm off me. She pinched my nose, "The day after I met your Dad and Uncle I'd already been physical with both of them, so don't give me that. Shit happens." I frowned at the thought of either of them doing that with Mom right after meeting her, it seemed weird to me but I guess given the dangerousness of being in war people back then just lived in the moment.

"The three of you are still horny teenagers, I don't care how old you are," I scolded them, rolling my eyes. Dad grinned at me, "Your Mom's hot, kid. Can't help it." I gagged, "Alright, I'm leaving now. I'm gonna go try to erase my mind so I can't remember this tomorrow." They laughed at me as I walked away. I was smiling though, happy they were still happy together after all the time they'd been living.

—-My POV—-
I glanced over at Amaimon, who was talking to a blonde girl that Zel and Dezran had brought back in the group. She was giggling at everything he said, he was just as oblivious as his younger brother, making me smile. "How are my sons so oblivious to girls when they have you two demons as their fathers?" I asked the men standing next to me. They both chuckled, "Probably because they weren't sent off to war and left to their own devices," Zeldris replied. I hummed in response, "Do you think they're gonna be okay?" I asked in reference to the kids Zeldris and Dezran brought back with them. Zel sighed heavily, "I think so. Better than they were serving Arthur at least but it'll take some time getting used to the demon realm." I nodded and leaned against him, my feet were starting to hurt and this pregnancy wasn't easy just like with Astaroth. Stupid Meliodas. Amaimon waved me over so I pushed off his dad and walked over, rubbing my belly as the baby started kicking.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now