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I rolled around in Zel's arms to bury my face in Meliodas' neck when I woke up randomly in the middle of the night. I breathed in his familiar scent and sighed happily. Sage, eucalyptus, juniper berries. It was always nice and relaxed me. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me against him, moving mostly in his sleep. He was warm and comfortable...it made me think of all the times I'd cuddled up to him at night over the 1000+ years we were together on and off. Were Astaroth and Amaimon right? Was he the one responsible for us becoming gods? I had a feeling it was a combination of all three of us. Them being the sons of the original Demon King and I being a descendant of the Vampire God, Meliodas just had more than his brother thanks to his intrinsic power and I'd spent a lot longer with him. It made sense we had a child together born completely that way and that another child we had made together had become a god as well. Zel and I having our youngest together become a god also made sense if you considered Astaroth's theory about the godly ki being like a virus and multiplying in my body over the years.

I smirked and decided to mess with him. I kissed his neck then gently bit him, his blood slowly filling my mouth as he jumped awake. "...Ali? What time is it?" he asked groggily, relaxing after he realized what was happening. I giggled quietly, "I don't know, I just woke up and you smelled good," I whispered. "My turn," he giggled, biting me back, making me groan in delight. He pulled away and grinned, "You look pretty dang cute with fangs," I whispered, giving him a soft kiss. "I love you, Ali...I have since the first time your eyes met mine," he whispered back then kissed my forehead, "I'm gonna go back to sleep now." I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting back to sleep.

—2 months later—
"Momma, what's wrong with Uncle Zel? How come he looks lonely now too? Are you guys sick? Daddy said nothing's wrong but Amai and Asta look like that too and it used to just be you, Daddy, and Rinny," Mira asked me as I braided her blonde hair. "Daddy's right, Mira. Nothing's wrong, Uncle Zel is okay. Just like your brothers, Daddy, and I are okay," I reassured softly. She tilted her head and looked up at me behind her, "Momma...you, Daddy, and Rinny always looked that way but then it happened to Asta and Amai and now it's happening to Uncle..." her blue-green eyes were searching my red ones, knowing there was a reason behind it. None of my kids were stupid and though she wasn't as adept at sensing energies as Amaimon and Astaroth were, she knew something about her brothers and Dad had changed. Meliodas' energy completely changed a month ago and Zeldris' wasn't far behind, thanks to basically swapping blood with me. I sighed and caressed her cheek, "Nothing's wrong with any of us. We're just different," I smiled at her then leaned down and kissed her forehead. She huffed and crossed her arms, "That doesn't make sense. If you were different, all of you would've been the same already."

I didn't have an answer for her there but thankfully Meliodas walked in and interrupted, "Mira!" he exclaimed, she jumped up and ran to him, "Daddy!" She jumped up for him to catch her and he spun her around in the air, making me grin. He'd learned to be a fantastic Dad from watching his younger brother, who was a natural at it, and it made my heart so happy to watch both the men I love interact with all of our children. "Go find your brother in the dining room, Mira. I gotta talk to your Momma," he kissed her cheeks, making her giggle then set her down so she could go find Rin. "She knows it's happening to Zel as well. Azy and Niya are concerned but Zel and I told them there isn't anything we can do to stop it...nor does there seem to be a reason to," I told him as he walked up to me, resting his hands on my waist.

"They're just worried about their siblings and parents, Ali. It's something no one knows anything about, at least you kind of knew what to expect with Az becoming a vampire...now it's just one unknown after the other. You and Zel babied them, so now they're worried about everything," he grinned and teased. "We babied Az and Nini? You babied the hell out of Asta to where I was always the bad guy. You couldn't find it in your hearts to discipline him, let alone Rin or Mira," Zel scoffed, rolling his eyes as he leaned on the doorframe. I grinned, my dark haired lover was right, Meliodas was very much a babier of the kids. "I think we all can agree though, Ali coddles them the most," Meliodas giggled as he looked at his younger brother, who nodded in agreement. I scoffed playfully, "Yeah yeah, whatever. You're just mad because they like me the most." I walked up to Zel and kissed him, "Mira's worried about you now, so you're probably about to lose the rest of your non-godly ki. She knows it's not just that we're different since her older brothers changed gradually," I informed him.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now