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—Rin's POV—
"Full Counter!" I heard a voice shout, I turned to see Dad, Mom, and Uncle Zel jumping out of a portal full of white. Asta's and Maimai's magic got thrown back at them, knocking them both back as they weren't expecting Dad's Full Counter. "Rin!" Mom exclaimed as she strangled me in a tight hug, "What's going on with Maimai and Asta?!" I let out a few tears and buried my face in her black hair, "After you three disappeared, Asta and Maimai started rampaging. I don't know what's wrong with them, Momma!" She stroked my hair and squeezed me tighter, "Your Dad and Uncle can get them to come to their senses, it'll be okay, Rinny."

—My POV—
"Mel, Zel. Your clones are rampaging, stop them before they are too far gone," I ordered my lovers, my heart ached as I looked at ours sons as they flew back up to our level. I frowned, their eyes were full of rage but these weren't the goofy boys we'd raised. Something was wrong. Zeldris and Amaimon rushed at each other, mirroring Meliodas and Astaroth. Rin grabbed my hand, he could feel my anxiety but he needed comfort himself.

—Zeldris' POV—
"Amai, what's gotten into you? You may be a grown man but you're not old enough that you can't learn from your Dad," I growled as I locked swords with my son, I could see the rage in his eyes but he looked faraway. As if he wasn't in control. "They'll only ever see us as monsters, Dad! Why shouldn't we destroy them?" Amaimon growled back. I glared at him but knew how he was feeling, it's how I felt when my brother abandoned the demon realm. But it wasn't true, aside from Arthur's following most of the other clans were ambivalent or friendly with the demon clan now. I sighed heavily, "I know how you're feeling, Amai...I'm sorry that I failed you. I failed to keep this world peaceful for you and I failed to show you how wonderful the world can actually be. I kept you in the demon realm, away from the other clans. I thought I was doing the right thing, but you didn't get to experience any hardships or acceptance from the other clans. I'm sorry, Amai," my voice was much softer this time, my eyes green again. He looked at me incredulously, about to speak but I watched his eyes diligently and noticed they quickly became far away again. He gritted his teeth, "You don't know what you're talking about!" I activated my power again as he backed up a bit then pointed his sword down, "Ominous Nebula!" I smirked, "You really think you can beat the original Ominous Nebula? How bold of you, son. Ominous Nebula!" Darkness swirled around each of us, others around were starting to be pulled in closer but I just needed to overpower Amaimon's. He had a determined look on his face but it quickly turned to surprise as my vortex shattered through his own and he was pulled into mine. "You may think you're a master, Amaimon, but you're a novice. The difference between us is I've failed much more than you've ever tried. Now be a good boy and take a nap!" I slashed my sword and sent him hurtling downwards, the force of his body slamming to the ground knocked him unconscious. I landed next to him then caressed his cheek and stroked his hair, "You're always gonna be my happy little baby, Amaimon. I'll make the world right for you again."

—Meliodas' POV—
"Get out of the way, Dad!" Astaroth growled, I could feel his wrath building exponentially. I grinned mischievously as we locked swords, "Not a chance, little boy. You haven't seen Daddy mad yet. You won't beat me, so stand down." He scowled, shoved off my sword to push away from me, then started making a ton of balls of condensed darkness with red light magic around them. My grin changed from mischievous to a dark sinister grin as I went into Assault Mode to add to the effect that I'd never actually went all out when training with him. "You may think you've perfected my move, but that false sense of perfection just shows how much of a punk you actually are. No one truly reaches perfection, to perfect is to be unable to improve any further. You can hit me with all the goddess magic you want, but let me show you how far below me you really are, son," I watched him closely, his anger was clouding his judgment even more than what seemed to be possessing him. My taunting made him angrier, he threw his magic at me only for me to return it, "Full Counter!" He grinned maliciously, "Full Counter!" His magic was passed back and forth between us for several rounds until I decided to show him a move I rarely used, "Counter Vanish." "What the fuck was that?!" Asta growled then rushed me, he threw a red light spear that I allowed to hit me, I didn't even flinch as the magic burned through my body. His face changed from rage and determination to shock and fear.

"Foolish boy," my voice was cold and emotionless as I looked down at him, "Now I think it's time you take a timeout." I shoved him to the ground with my darkness, his fearful eyes were fixed on me. I felt guilty treating my own son this way, nearly sick to my stomach as I felt like I was acting like my own father, but Astaroth wasn't in control of himself and needed a little tough love at the moment. I didn't let up until he finally passed out from the toll of my darkness shoving him into the ground. Once he did, I dissipated everything then squatted down beside him to stroke the messy hair he'd inherited from me. "I love you more than life itself, Astaroth. I'll protect you better from here on out, little guy," I murmured.

—My POV—
"Momma, what're you doing?" Rin asked as he watched my eyes glow brighter red and I started to use my creation magic. "I think your brothers have been possessed with chaos magic. Azy should be able to help them," I answered as I made a portal to the demon realm near the castle, "I'll be back in just a minute, Rin. Let your Dad and Uncle know in case they finish with their clones soon." I ventured through the portal and flew quickly to the castle, "Momma?! What're you doing here? Where's Dad? Uncle Mel? The boys?" Azriel exclaimed then yelped when I grabbed his wrist and pulled. "You're coming to Camelot, Azy. Asta and Maimai, I think they been possessed with chaos. I need you to purge it from their bodies," I explained as I pulled him through the portal. "Camelot is even stranger than I expected," Azriel murmured. My heart swelled with happiness as I watched my lovers speaking sweetly to their sons, even under the circumstances. Zeldris and Meliodas carried Maimai and Asta to us, "Az, what're you doing here? I thought the plan was for you to get here later," Zel asked our eldest son.

"I brought him here to purge the chaos from his brothers. I think they've been possessed," I explained, my face fell as I looked at my sons in their Dad's arms. My heart ached, we'd failed all of our kids at keeping the world safe for them. "Go ahead and set them down, I can get them both in one go," Azy instructed Meliodas and Zeldris. They looked like small boys again as they slept, as if they hadn't a care in the world. Azriel held his arms up in an X and channeled his goddess magic towards his brothers, "Let there be light!" His magic pushed through their bodies, Azy looked as if he were struggling so I put my hands on his back and channeled my own goddess magic into him. I was shocked when Rin joined me, "Rin! You can use goddess magic?!" my lovers and I exclaimed. He grinned and nodded, the extra magic we lent Azriel worked and a strange looking magic left Amaimon's and Astaroth's bodies. "They should be okay now," my eldest relayed then dropped down to one knee. "Azy! Are you okay?!" I exclaimed as I knelt next to him and stroked his fluffy black hair. He gave me a small smile, "I'm alright, Momma. That just took a lot out of me. I'll be fine once I rest a bit." I smiled and hugged him tightly, "I love you so much, Azriel. I'm surprised my heart didn't explode when I saw your little face the day you were born."

His face was bright red but he was happy and squeezed me back, "I love you too, Momma. You're my best friend." Zeldris grinned, "The Demon King sure is a Momma's boy," Meliodas and Rin giggled. Azy scowled at his Dad but said nothing, instead looking to his baby brother, "Rin, when did you get goddess powers? You continue to amaze me." Rin rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I had to find a way to disrupt Maimai's Ominous Nebula. I had no idea if it'd work but I remembered how you taught Lenny and tried that. It was a gamble but it worked out!" Meliodas tousled Rin's black hair, "Way to go, miniest me!" Rin blushed and shoved his Dad's hand away from the diminutive nickname but he had a small smile on his face. Tristan had been watching the exchange, "Azriel, I'll heal you, it should help you regain your energy back faster. But we should hurry on to find Arthur and his main Holy Knights to stop them." Meliodas grinned, "I suppose you're right. We have to save the young King of Camelot after all!"

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now