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"Every time we bring one of our kids here, it's something," I growled in my head to the men beside me, who were now using their demonic powers. Each had one black eye with a hint of red, the other glowed red completely. "What do you want, Merlin?" Meliodas asked her as she looked at us from outside the cube. Meliodas and Zeldris were completely focused on Merlin but I was shocked as I watched my son in my arms. He was glaring at Merlin, his normally shy demeanor vanished. "I don't like her, Momma," Rin growled emotionlessly, channeling his Dad perfectly. Zeldris glanced back at us with a bit of shock in his eyes, making me shrug at him. "It's been awhile, Captain. Zeldris, Ali," she greeted, the usual smirk on her face. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm not your Captain anymore. Now what do you want?" Meliodas asked again. Her eyes landed on Rin and I, studying him. If looks could kill, Merlin would've been dead already by his eyes. "I was shocked at first when I realized that two new gods had emerged, I never dreamed it'd be you and your child, Ali," she admitted cooly.

We hadn't mentioned anything to Rin about him or I technically being gods, only that he and I balanced each other. "Chaos created the original Demon King and the Supreme Deity, the two gods the three of you destroyed...and Fate has created two new ones, to combat Chaos. What are you the gods of, I wonder?" she explained freely. I wasn't sure if she was friend or foe but I was standing right behind Meliodas and Zeldris, holding onto Rin tightly to protect him if needed. "That's none of your business. Now what do you want with us?" Zeldris demanded, pulling his sword out. "I'm not here to fight you. I simply wish to speak with you. I knew eventually you'd bring this child to Britannia, but given he was born a year ago in Britannia's time, I altered the passage of time between here and your realm so as to speed up the process in case something were to happen in Britannia soon," she explained. It didn't make any of us feel better, "Why are you so interested in my son, specifically? Aren't you on Arthur's side? Chaos' side? I find it hard to believe you aren't here with an ulterior motive," I asked harshly, Rin was tense in my arms and I could feel his energy becoming darker and angrier. Zeldris and Meliodas couldn't feel it, Merlin likely couldn't either.

"I want to see if the two of you can defeat Arthur. Your older sons decimated his army recently, with this one and the three of you...it'll be hard to stop any of you. I also want to see what sort of child he's growing up to be. Is he going to be benevolent? Or will he end up like his ancestors?" she explained, staring me down. "Get down!" I ordered Meliodas and Zeldris, just as Rin made a ball of destruction magic in his little hand, throwing it at the cube right after the two demons ducked out of the way. It disappeared in an instant, shocking Merlin. "Ali, did you know he was going to do that?" Zel asked me, a little confused. "Yeah...just a feeling I had," I admitted. "What sort of magic was that?!" Merlin asked incredulously, glancing between the three of us. "Destruction," Meliodas answered coldly. Merlin's temperament changed back to her usual self, "I suppose that makes sense as he is your son, Meliodas." Her eyes landed on me again, "So Ali...your magic is...?" I glared at her, whatever Rin was feeling towards her I was too, I intuitively knew his feelings.

I held my hand out and a small stuffed demon appeared, I saw Rin glance down briefly, making me smile internally. It was identical to the one on his bed at home, so I knew seeing it comforted him just a little. "Creation magic? Makes sense for a half-vampire, half-goddess. A God of Creation and a God of Destruction. Fate versus Chaos, it's about to get even more interesting," she pondered, her eyes indicating she was elsewhere in her mind. "Are you going back to Camelot then?" Meliodas asked, watching her carefully. She hummed, "I will. But I'll be seeing you again. I plan to keep the time distortion in place, so hurry home if you don't want to miss out on anything," she smirked and suddenly disappeared. Rin finally relaxed in my arms, "I don't like her, Momma," he reiterated, happily taking the stuffed demon into his arms. "Momma doesn't like her anymore either, baby," I replied, kissing his forehead.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now