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—Amaimon's POV—
"Dies Irae!" I shouted with my sword raised to the sky, a portal of darkness opened up above a group of Arthur's knights then a gigantic black lightning bolt engulfed them. They died instantly, surprising even myself. I knew Dad had this power and he'd tried to teach Azriel and Niya but they couldn't master it. I'd listened in a couple of times when I was younger but Dad had never tried to teach me directly. I was proud of myself for pulling it off and I hoped Dad had felt it. I saw Astaroth slicing through knights one after the other. His strength was tremendous, just like Uncle Mel's. It was a little eerie feeling, fighting like this with him. The vampires and demons with us had wiped out a ton of the knights themselves and with Tristan having arrived with Liones' Holy Knights, we were nearly done.

"Asta, there are only a handful left. Finish them," I shouted at him. "You don't have to tell me twice," he grinned, he was getting a little too much enjoyment out of this. He conjured a massive ball of darkness, adding red light energy around it, then tossed it haphazardly at the knights that were the last of Arthur's group. "Chiaroscuro," he muttered as he threw it. It was the name we'd come up with for that sort of power. Dark and light energy didn't like to coexist and when they came together like this on impact they exploded. As soon as the ball he threw touched the ground, it destroyed everything around it, mimicking a smaller version of what Uncle Mel had done to Danafor decades ago. Asta was pretty good at destroying things. I saw a few stragglers that managed to get out of the way and jumped down in front of them.

They froze when I landed, contemplating how to get around me. "Asta, I told you to finish them and here I am cleaning up after you," I taunted him. Okay, I was getting a little too much enjoyment out of this as well. "Wait! Don't kill us...we'll...we'll join you! Y-yeah, we'll j-join the D-Demon King's a-a-army!" one of them stuttered out. "No thanks. Your beliefs are archaic and it's clear you're only attempting to pacify me to save yourselves. I'm here to execute you," I answered coldly. One of them ran at me in a desperate attempt, getting cut down immediately, their blood sprayed across my face. I licked the splatter that had landed on my lips. "Not bad. Definitely had better," I commented. The remaining two were trembling at the sight of me.

Thanks to Dad, I looked exactly like the demon they'd known took part in destroying Camelot long ago. Thanks to Mom, I had fangs and one of my eyes glowed red when using my powers. Plus the red goddess symbols in both. Mixed with blood splatter and my cold, calm demeanor I'd picked up from watching Dad, I couldn't blame the two humans for being terrified when we'd just wiped the floor with their comrades. The one who attempted to pacify me was about to speak again, but I stabbed my sword through his stomach before he could get another word out. The last knight took me being focused on his fallen comrade as the opportunity to run, which was his mistake. This death was going to be more painful than my sword. "Blood Spear," I murmured calmly, hurling a red light energy spear directly through his chest. He screamed until his last breath.

I rejoined Astaroth and Tristan. Astaroth high fived me but Tristan looked concerned, as did the Holy Knights behind him as they glanced at the wreckage Astaroth and I had left in our wake. The vampires and demons were also having mini celebrations. "Got something to say, Tristan?" I asked cooly. He shook his head, "No...just...good work and thank you for your help. Father, Uncle Zel, and Aunt Ali made it safely to the castle. Will you be coming with me back to Liones?" I was about to ask Astaroth what he thought we should do when one of the demons who'd fought with us spoke up. "Please, Prince Amaimon, Prince Astaroth. Go be with the Demon King & Queen, and Prince Meliodas. We can make it back to the demon realm ourselves," he urged. We grinned at them, "Thank you all for your dedicated efforts. This was a great victory for us tonight. Though I don't wish for us to have to continue to fight, I do hope that should we fight again we continue to be victorious!" I shouted, it was met with cheers back from our army.

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