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—3 months later—
"Momma! Why are you down here?! You should be resting!" Astaroth scolded as he ran up to me. "Asta, if I stay put one more second your Dad is going to drive me insane. This baby will come when they're ready. Hi, Erza," I replied, sitting down in a chair in the room the humans Zel and Dezran had brought back 3 months ago were staying. Erza had helped me sit down with Astaroth, "Hi, Miss Ali. How are you feeling?" I groaned, "It's just Ali, how many times do I have to tell you?! I'm ready to get this baby out of me and also maybe trap Meliodas somewhere so he leaves me alone for ten minutes," I answered grumpily. She grinned at me, "I'm sure Prince Meliodas is just concerned for your well being, Ali." Astaroth had been frowning but he finally grinned, "How did you give Dad the slip anyway?" I giggled, "I asked him to have someone make me pizza from scratch but that I didn't trust them to make it right so he needed to watch them."

"He fell for that?" Astaroth giggled, "Dad can't even cook how would he know?" I giggled again, "He's distracted by the thought of the baby coming so he didn't even think about it." "Very funny, Ali. Now where are you?" I heard Meliodas' voice in my head. I frowned briefly then grinned, "Busted. Well at least I got to see my baby again before he's no longer the baby." Astaroth blushed a little, "Momma! Stop it! Now, tell Dad where you are before he has a heart attack looking for you." I stuck my tongue out at him, "Fine." "The new recruits room, if you must know," I responded to Meliodas. I heard Zeldris snicker in my head just then. He was concerned for my well being too but he'd been through this with me for all my pregnancies and knew I wasn't going to stay put.

Meliodas was in the room in record time, making us all jump. He was frowning at me but his eyes were soft, "Ali, please stop doing this to me. I'm just worried about you." Erza couldn't help but let out an "aww", making Meliodas grin. "See?! She thinks it's cute. Now come on," he giggled, picking me up bridal style to carry me back to our room. I rested my head against his shoulder, "You're just lucky I love you or I'd've really found somewhere to hide," I pointed out. He smiled down at me, "I would've found you anyway, I got really good at it those years we were wandering Britannia," he turned to walk back to our room, grinning at our son and Erza. Erza looked at Astaroth, "3,000 years, huh? That's impressive to still be together after all that time." He shook his head, "Mom hated Dad for the first 2,000 after Uncle Zel was sealed during the first Holy War. They didn't get together until the last thousand. And even then it was on and off. It's a long, long story," he explained. She nodded, "I'd like to hear it sometime."

"Mel, I can walk! Put me down!" I whined, making him tighten his grip on me. "She's not going to quit complaining until you let her do what she wants." We both heard Zel's voice in our head. "I'm only complaining because I'm pregnant, not crippled!" I whined to him. "I'm not putting you down, get over it," Meliodas giggled. I was about to argue when I felt a sharp pain, making me gasp. He stopped and looked down at me, questioning. I nodded, grimacing from the pain. "Better wrap up whatever you're doing, Zel. Baby's coming now!" Meliodas exclaimed, running towards what we had declared the birthing room considering two babies were born recently and number three was about to be born. Xena, Iseldis, Niya, and Zeldris all rushed into the room, he had grabbed them all before heading down.

"I don't need everyone here, do I?" I giggled, before it quickly transformed into a groan. "We're gonna be here, Momma, so just be quiet and focus on bringing my new brother or sister into this world," Niya smiled at me and held my hand briefly before her Dad took it. Zel kissed my forehead, "Baby number 5, hopefully the last. I'm tired of being sleep deprived," he grinned at me, then shot a look at his brother across from him that made me giggle. "She wanted it, don't give me that look," Meliodas shot back before turning his attention back to me. "You've got this, Ali. But I agree, I think 5 is the place to stop," he giggled. They both grimaced when I squeezed their hands tightly as another contraction came. The labor was long and painful, longer than all the others but finally a little blonde baby arrived. Niya laid her on my chest, "She's beautiful, Momma," she commented quietly. Meliodas, Zeldris, and I all had tears in our eyes. We were a bunch of softies now, it was kinda comical.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now