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I opened the door slowly, my tired eyes met Zel's as I pulled his brother along with me. Meliodas was silent and stared at the floor as Zeldris held his hand out to me. Zel and I led Meliodas down the tower and back to our room, each of our hearts aching for him. Just as Zeldris grabbed the door knob to our room, we heard quiet footsteps. Zel and I turned to see a sleepy Rin, looking at us with grief-stricken eyes. We knew he was here because he felt how heartbroken his Dad was. I looked at Zel, who nodded and went inside, then I turned my attention back to my little guy. Meliodas hadn't moved and continued staring at the floor silently. "Hey baby, what're you doing up?" I asked softly as I walked up to him. His sad brown eyes looked up at me, tears started to fall down his chubby cheeks. "Momma...what's wrong with Daddy?" his eyes shifted to his despondent Dad behind me before meeting my red ones again. I knelt down in front of him and hugged his tiny body tightly, "Daddy's sad, baby. Maimai and Asta did something and now they..." I stopped, not wanting to say what Meliodas and I already knew.

"Asta took Maimai with him to back then, didn't he? And they saw you and Daddy and Uncle Zel?" he asked me sweetly. I nodded and stroked his soft, messy hair. "Yeah, they did. And now Daddy's sad because he didn't want them to see him like that," I replied. He blinked at me then wiggled out of my arms and walked up to Meliodas, who'd become emotional again as he listened to my exchange with his youngest son. Rin grabbed Meliodas' hand and looked up at him, "Daddy...you're still the same Daddy you've always been. Even if you were different then, that doesn't change you now and Asta and Maimai still love you. If you weren't like that before you might not be a good Daddy now and I love you how you are now. Don't be sad, Daddy," his voice was full of love as he smiled warmly at Meliodas. His words and little face seemed to bring the blonde back to reality as he bent down to pick his son up and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, little man. I love you too," he said softly as he looked at me over his son's black hair in his face. His blue-green eyes were even more bloodshot now but the love in them was strong and made my heart happy.

"Rin's right, Mel. You wouldn't be who you are today if it weren't for the you that you were back then. Maimai and Asta are smart, but they're also little idiots sometimes. They were looking at the old you through the lens of the present. Life 3000 years ago was far different than now and we did what we had to, to survive. That includes how you used to be. That's why Zel also did what he did. Because they saw a small snippet of the past...not everything else. Hell, they didn't see me the way I used to be either. Maybe I'll give them a taste of that later," I told him in my head, giggling out loud at his grin from my last couple sentences. I walked up to him holding our son and hugged both of them tightly, squishing Rin between us who giggled and squirmed. I let them go and kissed Rin's forehead, "Daddy's gonna take you back to bed, baby. We'll see you in the morning. I love you." He grinned at me, "I love you too, Momma. I'm glad you fell in love with Daddy...he's my favorite."

The next morning, I stood up and opened my dresser where I kept the daggers Zeldris had given me for that first mission I went on with he and Meliodas right after they'd brought me back to the demon realm with them. Magic had repaired them so they were still pristine. I told Meliodas I was going to show our sons how terrifying their Mom could be, since they seemed to really wanna see how we were. They found out about their Dads. It was time to see their Mom. Zeldris was on board as well, so I waited until I'd felt both of them were alone and grabbed my daggers. I could hear Meliodas giggling in my head, he'd gotten over last night after Rin cheered him up and was now ecstatic I was going to scare the fuck out of Amaimon and Astaroth. They could feel my godly ki...if I let them. Rin and I had been playing hide and seek since he was 3, both of us could hide ourselves already and we hadn't shared that with the other four, like a secret between us.

Amaimon was alone outside in the garden, likely relaxing with a cup of coffee. He was like his Dad and I, needing coffee first thing in the morning, which was going to make it even easier to scare him. I swiftly moved down to the back door from our room and slipped outside. He had no idea anyone had even opened the door, I hadn't lost my touch. I was completely silent, his back to me as he looked at the sunflowers. It was sweet, he and Astaroth loved them just as much as I did. Within seconds I had a dagger on his throat, he dropped the coffee mug he'd been drinking from and froze. My kids didn't know that Meliodas had taught me to be as cold and emotionless as he was back then. He couldn't see me, so he wasn't aware of who was behind him until I whispered coldly, "I assassinated hundreds of unsuspecting goddesses as well as humans and fairies in exactly this way. They had no idea, just like you had no idea I've been standing here for several minutes, watching you drink your coffee. Your Dad and Uncle aren't the only ones you should be afraid of, you know. We love you. We always have and always will. But don't let that fool you into thinking we're soft. I was just as cold blooded as they were. Maybe this'll make you think twice about trying to meddle in the past." My voice was ice, monotonous, and completely devoid of emotion.

Calamity vs Chaos [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now