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Tae's pov

We are here like for 10mins. I hate to be waiting man my dad said that business partners are gonna come. Actually I'm the one of the best CEO of this whole fucking continent. They Just make me wait arghhh suckers. As I was in my thoughts V us staring me

Tae: now what?

V: yah I'm just seeing you how handsome I am.

Tae: like how?

V: bcoz we are same look like haha~😂

Tae: after we go I'll fuck you hard.

V: sry bro I'm not gay🤣🤣

He's just sitting on my nerves until I hear greetings from them. Hey Mann Hey buddy long time no see hey bestie haiii soulmate.

V's pov

They just greeting each other until I see a familiar figure with a Black sexy dress aww it's KIM yesss. Wait hold the FUCK UP am I dreaming because I see a girl which is alook like her in a white dress like a angel wowww.

Tae's pov

As they greeting them I look at their daughter I think they also twin like us godd why the whole world around full of girls. But I have to submit that both are looking so hot & cute.

JANE's pov

I'm here with My parents to see their friends when I saw him FUCK wait what the fucking hell he is here OMG wait again for a sec a man over look like oh shit this is gonna be trouble anywazz but I differentiate Kim and his brother because Kim has Tattoo but his brother doesn't. I was in my thoughts Kim just looking at me noooo wait what is he?! Looking at nini??

Jennie's pov

I am so happy because we are all going out like family because it's been a long long time ago. My parents are greeting their friends I was cooed at their site until I saw their Sons? Maybe I saw they both looking each other like us. Wowww what a day I was enjoy the moment until a pair of eyes watching me like eating me I was little insecure. And our parents are introduce us to them. These are our looks




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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. look at your sons they are grown & handsome hii guys

V & Tae: Hi & hello your daughters too look pretty o my god look at them black queen and an angel

Jane & Nini: thanks & thank you so much*blushing hard I'll introduce my sons the white one with tattoo is KIM V and the black one is KIM TAEHYUNG

V & Tae: Hi ladies *while looking at Jennie & Hi 🙄 lemme introduce my girls the black queen is JANE KIM the white angel is JENNIE but we all call as NINI

V: ahh it's suits her

Jane mind is he flirt with my sister The MF. Jennie is there blushing hard and become tomato. But tae became irritated by them and he just straightly ask them.

Tae: dad May I know why is this meeting arranged? *Trusfrated ok look my son and my soon to be daughter in laws

Tae& Jane: what
V & Jennie still processing like what happened.

Jane: dad there is a big
Tae: NOoooo
V: oh my goodness
Nini: 😳

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