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  V left the place and decided to left the Seoul town too. He came back to the kim mansion at 10'o click. and he looking for Jane she is not there but Taehyung was standing in the balcony and looking at the Cresent moon he approch his brother.

V: Tae!

TAE: Yes V

V: where is Jane noona? *Tae didn't speak up

V: I'm asking you where is she? *Again didn't speak up

V: the hell I'm asking you where is-

TAE: SHE LEFT!.. she left *little sobbing

V: what!? How? Why!

TAE: I hurt her

V: how could you?

TAE: She propose me i don't accept er proposal and i... *Sobbing* Hurt her with words.. now she... She left me *crying hard

V: Tae.. Do you LOVE her?

TAE: no... No way.. i can't

V: then why the fuck you are crying?

TAE: I don't know why

V: You gotta be kidding me

TAE: *chuckle bitterly* I AM... I'm a mad man.. I'm a looser.. I'm a idiot

V: You don't blabber like this.. What just happened to you!

TAE: i don't know... I feel like dying when she left the home *v is also getting flashback of nini


V: Then what accept her proposal

TAE: i can't.. my mind can't accept this.. i don't wanna be a weak one

V: So you think you are strong! *Tae remain silence

V: You are CRYING for her the hell she LEFT you.. you saying that you are STRONG! Fuck you TAE.. you lost her you lo-

TAE: NO I DON'T.. i don't lose her!

V: What do you gonna do!

TAE: I don't know *crying and sobbing hard

V: You love her! Tae... Don't lose her. *Tae sobbing hard

V thought - what happened to them?


TAE: your leaving right now?

JANE: no tae.. I never spend my life time with my parents so I'm there for 1 week and I'll gone... Before I go can I kiss you for the LAST TIME

   After the Kiss, Jane ran to her room and close the door and cry hard...

JANE: why...why you don't accept me!... Please Taehyungieee I LOVE YOU... Please please don't hurt my feelings.. if you are happy with someone else i am ready to leave you but please don't hurt me...

She is crying hard holding her kneel and she saw the self that she hide the Dairy of Kim taehyung. She wipe her tears and get the book and she pack everything with the book..

JANE: the book of yours.. the secrets that have you held in your heart so long.. I know the past even though why you are reading this instead of writting? *She open the book and a picture of tae and who is she?

JANE: What is this? Who is she? Is this a Marriage photo? Is he??

  After saw the photo she broken really broken she is already hopeless in her love this one made really wanna die she cry very really hard.. and she start to read the book

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