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Tae's pov

Wait is my parents are talking about My marriage nooo I'm not going to marry them. No I'm just wanna live alone godd save mee

Jane POV

There is a big noo for my marriage I don't wannabe marry and being slave for a man. I wanna live my life enjoyable if my parents told this in house I never step out my leg out aishhh. And his name is V ohh I see whenever I see him he just starting at nini. But wait his brother didn't give me glance to me or anyone else god thank fully his brother not like him I wish.

V.mr.kim: you know what guys this is final and yes we putting you in pressure just accept and live a life you guys can divorce after a Year but believe me you guys will like each other.

J.mrs.kim: yes and the marriage is day after tomorrow

Tae & Jane & V & Nini: WHAT😳

V.mrs.kim: don't you guys know your partner guys who's who?

Tae: the hell I'm not interested

Jane: well me too

J.mr.kim: look everyone this is agreed and that's it and V is for NINI, JANE is for TAE

TAE & JANE: godd

V is internally smriking Jennie is just shock she didn't utter a word. The silence of her not meant that she accept this she is really shocked by now.

All are leave to their perspective house in Jennie home and V home are Just blasting because of elder &older conversation. Finally they emotionally black mailed them. They accept It. Tae thought because of this marriage she is not gonna rule me Just 1 Year. V thought that angel SLUT gonna suck Mr every day I'll cum on her face and hole. Jane thought FUCK them all of them 1 Year Jane and no one gonna stop me. Jennie thought I'm Just accepted because of my parents Ofcourse they do everything for my goodness but I'm fear of him. He looks like a little creepy with his tattoo I'm not that good in skin ship relationship I'll tell him and he'll accept because it's arrange marriage tho so he don't have any feelings yeah Nini your safe



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