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June month
V's mansion

This is delivery time for nini. But the dates are enlarging doctors are saying it's nothing don't be afraid.. everyone are expecting nini's waterbroke time. In v mansion everyone are present except mr.kims.

V: Nini if you feel Little pain let me know ok!

NINI: ok ok!

V: yahhh noona.. what the fuck your doing?

JANE: yahh you bastard.. bullshit, mother fucker ass how can you speak curse words infront of me and nini ha??  *Everyone are shock except tae.. Jane is 7 month pregnant she is having mood swings.

V: who is cursing right now? Hyung?

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V: who is cursing right now? Hyung?

TAE: think my difficulties then!

V: I'm so sorry hyung! *Everyone are laughing at his compliment

TAE: ok Jane sit don't do works. Ok! There's maid here to do all the House works ok!

J.MRS.KIM: c'mon baby sit beside me..

NINI: ahhhhh Vvvv!

V: what.. what happened is there anything o my god is is-? *Hurrily

NINI: nothing I'm Just checking if you guys are alert

JANE: idiot.. my soul just left me..

V: mine was gone for a while..

NINI:. Ahhh Oppaaaa

V: now what? Pain? Oh no *furious

NINI: checking.. checking

V: I'm not gonna come again paboo

TAE: nini can't you be serious at this time!

NINI: sorry oppa hehe *behave like a kid.

JANE: if you doing this again I'm gonna kill you

NINI: Let's kill this Love.. yeah yeah yeah.. Rampa pampa pam pa pamm..

V: I'm so sick of this fake love..

TAE: aishhh these kids...  *Everyone are laughing again suddenly

NINI: v.. v...

V: what pain!? No I'm not gonna believe.. run bulletproof run yeah you gotta run..

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