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Jane is very curious about tae's answer. She get to know that he is about to say Yes. But she feel very tired and feel headache. That time she felt her eyes are getting close and become dark unconsciously she faint.

TAE: I lo- *Jane fainted* JANEIEEE.. baby.. O my god

He don't know what to do he splash water on her face but she is not at all waking up. He placed her on the bedroom and call the lady doctor. The doctor visit the mansion in 10 minutes.

TAE: doc I don't know why she fainted.. I'm scared do something

DOCTOR: wait sir Lemme check. You wait outside *after a 15 minutes of Examine the doc came out.

TAE: she is alright right?

DOCTOR: no she is fine.. All because of her low BP. And dehydration take care of her. Ok!

TAE: oh thank you doctor.. I'll take care of her!

DOCTOR: Buy something that's she like..

TAE: ok doctor.. is she awake?

DOCTOR: yeah she will wake up in 10 minutes.. meet her with some food ok!

TAE: yes doctor.. c'mon let me send you off..

DOCTOR: thank you!

  Tae send off the doctor and tae came to the kitchen and make some ramen for Jane. She coming from the downstairs and went to kitchen because she smell something good.

JANE: Wow.. you know how to cook *weakly said

TAE: who told you come down haa! *Stern voice and grab her waist and lift her and let her sat on the dinning table.

JANE: no I'm fine..

TAE: oh I can clearly see MRS.TAE!? look at you-

JANE: what do you said *surprisingly

TAE: look at your pale body!

JANE: no before that!


JANE: Tae? Are you- *voice stucked in mouth

TAE: look Jane let's talk about this later first eat something

JANE: no tell me this first..

TAE: shut up.. and wait I'll take the ramen bowl and lemme feed you!

JANE: I'm waiting *tear up she thought finally he accepts his feeling but not 100% she really wanna hear those magical words by his mouth.

Tae take the bowl and feed her.. she felt so lucky girl in the world have a lovely man like him is a bless for her. Even though he is not accept his feeling but she can clearly see those love from his eyes. The way he take care of her the way he feed her. She just want to belong to him. Tae clean the mess in the kitchen and lift her in bridal style and placed her on the bed and kiss her forehead.

TAE: Sleep tight.. good night

JANE: that's it?

TAE: Look MRS.TAE.. there's a big day for you so sleep well

JANE: no i want this night to last long.. tell me! *She is pleading with those eyes.

TAE: Jane *caresses her cheeks

JANE: tae *response back to him

TAE: I make you cry, I make you insult, I make you-

JANE: spit the water Tae!

TAE: This KIM TAEHYUNG loves his WIFE.. KIM JANE.. So I'm going to ask her again.. so ms.kim Jane would you like to be MRS.TAE?  because i wanna start my life with you again..

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