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V wakes up first and and went to his room and he saw Nini sleeping peacefully and he caresses her hair. She wakes and saw V she is about to say but v close her mouth and said

V: I used to say I will never fall in love again until I found you

NINI: babyy...

V: I'm leaving i will not come home

NINI: can you drop me off to my parents home

V: Iam giving you a divorce.. drop you off is a matter?? Hm?? Go and fresh up

NINI: please don't

V: don't talk go *bitter smile
(Will continue in PT.2)

On the other side

Jane wake up first and saw the little tiger is sleeping besides her. Jane recall the yesterday night scenario. Tae wake up and saw Jane was so close to him he back off from her. And don't want to see her again so he gets up and straight walk to the bathroom. After 30 minutes Jane stay in the bed waiting for tae but tae get dressed and without utter a single word he left the room. Jane stop him and ask him WHAT'S WITH THE BEHAVIOUR TAE? but tae didn't utter a word he left the Jane dumbfounded. Jane decide to get to know the past of him. So she decided to go to his parents home in the lunch time. Tae went his office..

At his parents home:

Jane wear a simple neat dress for the first time because she is going to meet his in laws so.. Jane already told her mother-in-law that she is coming for lunch. She go to the door before she knocked her mother-in-law open the door. Jane was stunned by the scene like HOW COULD HER? hi baby

Jane: hi aunt. *With the shock reaction come inside girl *both are enter the room and sit on the sofa having chit chat give her some snacks before they could have their lunch. c'mon we'll have our lunch

Jane: Aunty i really wanna ask you something about Is this about TAEHYUNG? *Jane shocked for the second time like HOW DOES SHE KNOWS? hm?? About him?

Jane: before I ask my question may I know how you get to know those things?? are you shocked??

Jane: kinda well I know actually I'm a psychologist

Jane: you what?? yes love I am and I know your situation by reading your face.

Jane: so you know right? Can you give me a solution? HIM... He was a patient to me that time his age is just 5. He was literally disturbed by her mother which was not me. But i give my all efforts to be a mom as caring everything but those incidents



AT THE AGE OF 8 for TAE... His father was a bestest man in the world and he loves her wife like nobody does..but His mom is traitor she cheated his husband even they had twin sons. Tae was a matured boy yet a nerd one but V is not that type he is a extrovert sometimes v leaves tae alone. Tae cry all the day for he don't have anyone to care about him. His mother was a two faces woman she act innocent infront of her husband she beat her both sons for no reason. Tae never let his brother V to get hit by his mom that much he like him. Oneday his father went to Australia with V. Tae let him go because being with his dad was the best solution that he could rid off from this hell. On that night her mom invite her boyfriend which was noticed by tae. But her mother doesn't know how much cruel her boyfriend is. Both of them getting drunken. Tae is literally hungry he didn't know what to do that time tae went to kitchen for something that time he hear his mom screams. Tae ran to the hall see his mom with 5 men his whole world totally collapsed seeing his mom with unknown men and brutally raped. Just a 5 year old can't even processing what the hell is just happening one of the men saw tae and tie his eyes and hand with the sofa end he can only hear his mom's scream which are making fear as hell.
And that's it he can't hear his mom's scream anymore which means her MOM DEAD AT THE SPOT. Making him shiver and he faint there. He wakes up at the child care unit he was mentally and physically disturbed by the scenario his dad can't take the death news even it's kill him the news of his wife cheating and beating his son's behind his back. The care unit send tae to a psychiatrists 2 years of treatment she take care of him like his son but Tae get to know in those two years of treatment experience he never get trapped into the WOMAN TRAP.. he thought everyone are same every girls are here to ruin their entire life. But her step mother as psychiatrist is not like that she is sweet calm polite. V got accident there and he went to coma for 2 years as tae taking treatment. She take care both of them as her child. His father ask her hand not for him for their sons. She really love both of the sons and she didn't give another child she literally live her life for them.

The whole scene made Jane tears dropped.. and she decided to love tae more & more here after she is going to live her life only for HER TAE. she said her sorry to her mother-in-law and went to the home now it's evening dinner time 7. As I said tae is a punctuality man when he entered his house she hug him tightly. Which made Tae feel butterflies in his stomach his heart tell him to hug her but the brain is tell him to shove her. he didn't do anything standing like a statue. He decided to ask her finally ARE YOU DONE? Jane replied him NEVER EVER. Tae feel something fishy but he likes the way she hug him. Tae said OK LEAVE ME. Jane said NEVER EVER. tae literally feel like WTF happening is she?? Anyways...

Jane: TAE BABY? *while hug him

Tae: What did you said?

Jane: I LOVE YOU♥️ don't leave me i want you I need you i can't live without you 🥺💞 *without even realising tae drop few years for those heart touching words. He never see man or woman who are truthful but her words made him believe in love. Tae thought himself that is he love her?

Jane: Tae??

Tae: yes

Jane: are you?

Tae: please i need time

Jane: I'm waiting for you..

Tae: what do you mean by your waiting?

Jane: i won't be here.. you take your tym and say before 1 week because I'm leaving Korea for myself rest. So

Tae: you were going? Where?

Jane: you shouldn't know *that Tym tae can't accept the fact that she is leaving the country for her peaceful but it hurts him like someone stabbing him in his heart again and again.


tae: your leaving right now?

Jane: no tae.. I never spend my life time with my parents so I'm there for 1 week and I'll gone... Before I go can I kiss you for the LAST TIME 🥺 *tae feel he is weak for the first time infront of a girl for a fucking reason. When he is in the thoughts Jane kiss his lips unexpectedly tae kiss her back. After a good and first passionate kiss Jane leave and said I LOVE YOU. And she left..but tae was at the place while close his eyes when he hear the door closing sound. He open his his with tears dropping and the first time he said.....


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