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Jane pov

I'm actually going to grocery shop when I came back to home my parents and his  parents all are come. They said that they gonna park the car and come. I'm just taking all out for lunch. That time I saw V coming downstairs maybe for brunch.

Time 12 o' clock

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Time 12 o' clock

Jane humming a song. Meanwhile

V: hi noona good morning

Jane: shut up you lazy ass and no it's afternoon

V: c'mon noona you can't do this to your brother in law. *Fake pout

Jane: look at you right now o my god you Just look like a monkey right now

V: what the fuck? I'm Just leaving you because you look like my girl

Jane: same here because you look like my man *internal BABY BOY* ~v literally laughing his ass out~ Why the fucking you laughing

V: don't say that hyung have sex with you


V: what you guys are doing here?

Jane: Don't mind him I'm sorry for him

V: what the??

Jennie come down from the upstairs everyone sawing her. She literally looking like a baby in her white dress. I'm mentioning here that Jennie loves white colour Jane loves to wear black color

 I'm mentioning here that Jennie loves white colour Jane loves to wear black color

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She literally don't wear makeup like her sister. Jane always do heavy makeup Jennie do lite make-up. Everyone saw her cooing at her cuteness until v see her neck looking fresh hickeys on it. Even everyone noticed and smiling like teasing.

V.mrs.kim: are you ok my girl?

Jennie: I'm fine why thank you

J.mrs.kim: awww my Nini became a big girl haa get maturity andd~~ *everyone laughed except nini & V

V: my wife *proud smrik

Jane: everyone c'mon eommas appas sit we will chit chat.

Nini: unnie are you gonna do lunch ahh?

Jane: Why not?

V: I'm gonna die today

Jane: yahh I'll kill you

Skips at 1 o'clock

V,Nini,Jane, Mr & Mrs kims all are eating their food. Which made by Jane actually she good at cooking she never shows it.

V: mmm seriously the food is too good.

Nini: unnie oppa (tae) lucky man *giggle

V.mr.kim: what about you Nini ? Do you know how to cook I ask this type question because your dad's little princess tho *everyone laughed

Nini: no I can't sorry but I do my best *cutely

V: you don't have to be babe we have noona for it you just satisfie your hubby that's your work *everyone chocked their food bcoz of his statement. All change topic chit chat that time V touch Jennie's thighs with his Left hand Nini got shiver by him. She took his hands off. V got trusfrated by her and squeezing her thighs

Jane: *on v side only* the table is made of glass take off your dirty hands from her before they notice.

V: ok I'll go come by around 3 o' clock bye everyone *Peck Nini lips* bye love

V.mr & Mrs kim: wait & love?

Jane didn't surprise at all but she really wanna know why V & Tae behavior like this she really know wanna their characters. So she decided to ask V.
After their lunch every speaking. Nini literally tired so everyone except Jane thought to leave them they said good byee and gone. Jane told nini to sleep on her room. She went & slept

3o' clock

V: ninii?

Jane: she is sleeping

V: oh ok so what I'll wake her up

Jane: V!?  I really need to talk with you

V: yeah noona

Jane: Why you said like that?

V: what do you mean?

Jane: afternoon you said "Don't Tell that hyung have sex with you" what do you mean by that

V: Ofcourse he don't like girls especially like you & he don't like my mother after All

Jane: whyy am I not looking beautiful Enough. Wait his mom too

V: do you know anything about him?

Jane: to tell me V

V: he don't like girls his mother and mine was a whore she left our dad alone and made him poor ruin his life. She even rape his own child when he was 15. He was a nerd  believe everyone until he fall for a girl

Jane: is Mrs kim? Do that

V: not her she's our step mom but she took Care of us very well. But he don't like anyone

Jane: he loves? A girl

V: he did she betrayed him. Cheats him Infront of his eyes she made love with her sex buddy. Which made angry enough to become a cold rude. He thinks that love ruins entire thing of a man. Girl are Just a Play one's Only play in boys life.

Jane: wait what

V: he is your type noona you can try him like that. I'm Just telling you this because I want my brother loved by someone.

Jane: then you & him are different

V: because I've friends he don't

Jane: what should I do to. him?

V: look you & I are same he literally loves me because I'm his brother so he'll like you may because your his wife.

Jane: I WISH thank you V

V: but he has a weakness or should I say he is?

Jane: what?

V: He is a SUB


*The next part should be content I'm warning before part because it has HARD CORE, SUBMISSIVE, STRONG LANGUAGE, so if your not comfort with this I tell you guys just FUCK off

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