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  Jane literally feeling goosebumps and butterflies in her stomach suddenly she hear that a glass broken sound... She ran fast to the upstairs and she saw that V's photo was broken into pieces.. the photo is:

JANE: What's going on here?

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JANE: What's going on here?

  Few minutes before

V: nini? *She didn't utter a word

V: c'mon speak something.. *nini didn't speak V got anger because of her behaviour and he pinned nini on the wall

V: how many times haa? How many times I have to beg for a simple shit that which I've done in the past... You idiot can't you feel what I feel?

NINI: *low voice, hanging head down* get your hands off me

V: what I can't understand?

NINI: GET YOUR FUCKING DIRTY HANDS AWAY FROM ME. *flinch off and take off his hands away from her.

   (A/N: as I already told that V room is sound proof TAE'S NOT)

V: ni-ni?

NINI: WHAT? WHAT HAA! IT'S JENNIE FOR YOU MR.KIM FUCKING VICTORY  *v really really afraid of the new behaviour of her she never talk like this NEVER In her life but she brust out of anger because of V.

V: wha-what? Hap-


V: nini? *Tearing up* I'm sorry for what I done please try to und-

NINI: ARGHHHHHHH DON'T YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID... LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEE... *hella angry and she threw the V & TAE photo it broken into pieces. V looking at her with fresh teary eyes, dry tear rose cheeks, swallowed lips. and he really looking at her face only and he didn't notice that she bleeding. Even nini flinch off of the broken piece of glass scratch her skin deeply

JANE: What's going on here? *No one speaks

JANE: I'm asking you people What the hell happened. *looking at the broken photo

JANE: OMO what.. what happened? NINI? You are you are bleeding you idiot. *That time only both of them noticed nini hand.

V: wha-what babe babe ar-are you al-right? Can't you be careful? *While holding her hand

JANE: wait I'll get the first-aid kit. *And she leaves

V: Ni-ni? Ar-are you al-right?


V: Nini you are bleeding... Let me band-aid you.

NINI: you can't band-aid My heart as well.

V: baby I'm sorry please forgive me


  (A/N: Jane went to her room.. V room door is opened now! Which is not soundproof right now.. so now she is hearing everything)

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