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V just staring at her little tears are fell down from her eyes

V: such a wonderful creature

Jennie: atleast give me a blanket

V: noo I don't want to cover it under the blanket.. wait lemme give some mmmmhhh~

With that saying v started to kiss her. She didn't kiss him back he spank her which made her let out a moan and V took it as a chance to enter his tounge and explore her mouth while salaiva dropping. Somehow Jennie find it as a disgusted one. And he soon went her jaw line to her neck give wet kisses which made her moan she moan loud when he suck her sweet spot which internally make him smrik. And he went to collarbone gives hickeys and he went her boobs which made him glaring at them for a while. Jennie Just having her best Time she can't accept that she don't like it or she can't tell him to stop but her mind tell her to stop but her body wants him. While she's in her thought his cold mouth Hitch her nipples which made her moan sexily yet loud. V just sucking like a kid who is really hungry for Mama's milk his one hand playing with other nipple and another hand fingers make her to suck his finger she sucking like a kid cry over for lollipop. After good 5 minutes with both nipples he takes his finger and suck his own finger which is coated by NINI s salaiva. They both starred each other. V just spread her legs to see his dick's secure place he Just literally wreck lots of girls but he just looking at her tiny thin little dry pussy v knows that she's is dry and she would tight so without any wasted any time he just started to lick and suck her pussy. Which gives a big loud moan from Jennie. She just moaning messily. Her one hand grabes bedsheet and another try to hold v head. V made her hand to touch his head his another hand gliding her thighs. After 15 minutes

Jennie: v I've to go restroom

V: why? *While sucking her hard

Jennie: I think I've to go nature calls please.. I don't wanna squirt on your face.  * V just laughing like a psycho in his deep voice

V: Nini are you gonna cum?

Nini: pleaser ahh ahhhh~~

V: cum then babee

Nini: please I can't hold let mee please urghhh~~

V: just cum on *while sucking harder

Jennie cums with the loud moan. V just drinking like his favorite strawberry shake. Jennie was shocked that is he drinking her cum gross.

V: your cum so good *while licking her cum and enter his cold tounge to suck

Jennie: ahhh mmmm uhhhh mmmm

V: you should taste your self too *and he gets up and kiss her open mouthly which made her to taste her own cum. While kissing her he just enter his middle finger in her wet dripping pussy she literally hug him and hide his face in his neck. He was feeling tight around his lean finger. And he add another one and make it scissor it which made her moan louder and louder. He enters another after a while add another totally 4 fingers now on Jennie pussy.

Jennie: the same feeling ahhh~

V: don't cum *with that saying he get away his finger which made her little whin. He take off his boxer his dick sprang out

Jennie: your s-s-soo b-bi-g

V: proud of myself right now.

Jennie: please it Will hurt

V: soon to be pleasure babee *with that saying he enters his dick inside and slowly thrust her she just moaning messily. Her moans gets louder and louder. Tears are fell down from her eyes. V kiss her eyes in his whole life he doing so passionately for the first soon both feel so pleasurable both of them seeing stars. There's a two souls becoming one. V literally forgot to use condom. But he feels this raw feeling for the first time. Both of them cum together with a loud moan. V lay beside her while both of them breathing heavily. They're starring each other.

V: Nini?
Nini: oppa?
V: did I hurt you?
Nini: Anii (means no)
V: saranghe *he said truly from the bottom of the heart ❤️
Nini: me too *while blushing hard

V made clean both of them and made her wear his shirt and he wears a boxer. Under a blanket there's a two body one soul cuddling like there's no tomorrow.

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