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Jane pov

I'm in hella shock right now. Is he a sub o my god. I can't accept this so that's the reason he got stunned by my kiss ahh.

V: noona

Jane: yeah yes I'm mean yes tell me

V: I'm sorry for that night

Jane: I already forgive you man Just take care of My little sister she's so precious for us.

V: precious cargo

Jane: umm V

V: yeah noona

Jane: do me a favor

V: Ofcourse
Jane tell a plan to V. He was so stunned by her plan.

V: are you sureee

Jane: please just get out tonight

V: you know what noona I'm leaving both of you because Nini with me we celebrate our FIRST DATE out.

Jane: good Carry on

V: best luck noona

Tim Skip at 8:30 PM

Finally I come to my home. I shout V name but I got no response. Suddenly the lights are off. I shout Jane name that time lights are on like a mild yellow bulbs with the rose fragrance.

Author pov

As I said tae don't like to be romantic too. He saw Jane in a black dress her sense make her original DOM GIRL. tae got seduced by lot's of girls but tae slapped them. But Infront of Jane he done nothing because the difference is DOM AURO of her.

 But Infront of Jane he done nothing because the difference is DOM AURO of her

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Tae: W-wh-what the fuck Jane *starting shuttered finally managed to speak

Jane: you Tae *smrik walk slowly seductively close to him

Tae: Jane l-leave me *try to get away from but jnae touched her abs tae moan a moment

Jane: is my baby boy moaning haa *close to his ear said huskily

Tae: Jane d-d-dont touch m-mee

JANE: what if I touch your *with that saying she touched his clothed member tae moan loud like aaahhh~

Jane: wanna touch by mommy

Tae: n-noo leave m-mee

Jane: you're not going anywhere *with that saying Jane drag him to their bedroom or his bedroom. She pushed him he land on the bed. Jane took off her net dress. Tae watching her with heavy breathing. She come close to him. And unbotten his shirt.

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