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Everyone are in the room except Tae and Jane. Jane looking for him he is looking at the opposite room. He was look like a broken one and she know the reason. She really wanna heal him hug him right now wanna tell him I'm there for you. I'm here for you. But she can't only she can do this let him be there.

Tae pov- I really miss you Ana. Why you leave me. Why you came into my life. Why all happens to me. You gave me love and she took it back. Why? Am I not enough for you. Baby please i can't really think another person in your place. I want you love please come back. I can't hold this pain. I can't act like that I don't love JANE. She really showing the same love you did. But i can't i really cannot. I wish I could die that day with atleast I won't take these risk at all. I can't hate her. She really love I can clearly see through those eyes I love her too but my mind doesn't accept her. Give me sign love..

He is waiting for a sign to what to do in the hallway window he looking at the tree and everything there is no sign at all. He inside broken and sit on the chair and a girl came near to him.

...: Haiww..


...: Are you kying (crying)

TAE: ha? No baby I'm not.

...: I'm no babi.. I'm Woman. Hehe

TAE: Oh my lady.. why are you alone

...: My mommy gave me Sischter (sister)

TAE: oh oh are you happy?

...: I am.. and you?

TAE: I think so.

...: Look pabo you have to take everything strong like man. Don't cry like a kid ok

TAE: ha ha? Ok my lady.. what do you want me to do

...: Accept your life.. it will give you a best page in your book. Don't cry for a teard page.. you can't attach but you can write at the another paper.. *tae literally connecting those words into his life.. and he got tear up a bit.

...: OK BYEE...

TAE: what's your name love?

...: ANA myself ANA GEORGE bye crybaby *and she left from there

Tae literally shock for a second what just happened. He thinks that maybe this is a sign. Eventhough he can't accept the life with her.. he wipe his tear and went to the room

Everyone decide that nini and V will stay with those parents and Let tae and Jane alone in the mansion. As Jane said she won't come untill his answer now she is thinking what to say

JANE: umm dad I cant stay in the mansion

J.MR.KIM: why both you want us to come here too?

JANE: no no not like that..

V.MRS.KIM: oh c'mon baby both stay alone together

JANE: But aunt-

TAE: we both in the mansion you guys can call us whenever you want. *Jane processing those words what he is saying but don't know what to do.

In the mansion
At 9 pm

JANE: Why you tell them like this?

TAE: because I don't wanna hurt them.

JANE: so you can hurt me ha?

TAE: Jane look.. I can't i really cannot accept the another life ok

JANE: Tae *holding hands* I'm there for you.. if you want to..

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