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V wakes up first and and went to his room and he saw Nini sleeping peacefully and he caresses her hair. She wakes and saw V she is about to say but v close her mouth and said

V: I used to say I will never fall in love again until I found you

NINI: babyy...

V: I'm leaving i will not come home

NINI: can you drop me off to my parents home

V: Iam giving you a divorce.. drop you off is a matter?? Hm?? Go and fresh up

NINI: please don't

V: don't talk go *bitter smile

Both were fresh up and there are in the car. They didn't had their breakfast V knows the yesterday plan of Jane so he don't wanna disturb her. But nini is hungry she really want some somehow V get to know that she is hungry. V drive the car in the passenger seat ofcourse it's nini. V stop the car nini feel surprised. He stop the car infront of a restaurant that they met for the first time nini really got tears in her eyes for 2 reason that
1. He get to know that she is hungry
2. The place they met for the first time

V get out from the car and open nini's door she walked out and enter the restaurant the same VIP place they say together nini feel free and comfort with him. V order her favourite food she really felt guilty for her actions that she thought he cheated her behind. how can she.? how can she thought him about like that? SHE THINKS he cheated SHE ASSUMED he cheated SHE BLAMED him for what he couldn't done in his life.

She was in her thoughts suddenly the waiter interrupt her with the food that V ORDER for her V KNOWS her favourite food V UNDERSTAND her situation. The man understand a woman situation then how can he cheat the girl? She BLAMING herself for her past behaviour

She was so RUDE. she was ACCUSING him. She was MAD at him. She was so ANGER on him everything for that what he didn't done. THE LOVE GIVES PAIN. suddenly...


NINI: what?

V: you must be hungry have some *blank face

NINI: you call me by my name?.... JENNIE?

V: isn't that your name miss?

NINI: you- you used to call me by my nick name only?

V: *big sigh* you know what have some we will talk later

NINI didn't utter a word because every words are stuck in her throat she slowly eating her foods she just looking at the glass window it's about to rain. The climate was chill. Nini grab a spoon and about to feed him he turn and saw nini holding a spoon with bacon piece nini looking at him with a lovely eyes with little tears her little smile. V smile a little bit and say..

V: maybe a last feed from YOU *have it

NINI broken. His word broke her heart. His word broke her last hope. His word broke her LOVE. Finally he succeeded to BROKE HER FULLY with WORDS. only WORD can HEAL! only WORDS can HURT!.

She finish her plate both get up and went to the car. The climate is changing into dark one. Everywhere are gloomy and IT'S RAINING. The heaven is crying along with NINI. V wipe those rain tears with the car wiper.

NINI: so you giving up? *Sniffing

V: Never ever

NINI: then why?? why you treat me like this

V: I don't wanna hurt you again

NINI: look I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my behaviour *brust out

V: Baby don't cry.. you don't loose me! I'm the one who loose you

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