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   Now V, Tae, Jennie, Jane everyone are in the mansion tae and Jane don't know that V and nini return from the Paris.. Tae and Jane last night reached home after the dinner in a restaurant but on the other side no one eat anything the whole day because of the upset...

   Jane and tae Sharing a same room right now not totally.. Tae wakes up first and he saw Jane sleeping he let her sleep and he went to bathroom he doing is morning routine Jane Wake up by the water sound and she wakes she gets up from the bed and she shout outside of the bathroom

JANE: Taehyungieee

TAE: huhh? Jane

JANE: shall I join?

*Giggle... Jane just hearing the sound from the side tae suddenly open the door and pull her inside tae is half naked he wore a towel around his waist.

TAE: hold your hormones ms.kim

JANE: you looking so handsome as hot then how can I mr.kim?

TAE: get out you idiot*smile innocently

   Jane came outside and head to the kitchen and she saw the main door is unlocked she got shocked she thought some thief enter but she don't know V and Jennie are came home at night..

  Jane scared Little and saw V coming from the upstairs with Little bit of SOBBING.. WAIT IS HE? HOW? WHAT THE HELL? Lot's of questions roaming around her head...

   On the other side V and nini are sleeping Nini get up and saw V sleeping infront of him he didn't sleep with her.. nini realised that V lay her on the bed. She get up and the drawer beside the bed hits her knee she hissed in pain. The hitting sound wakes Him up. He saw Nini rubbing and soothing her knee for releif.

V: what what happened nini did you hurt yourself love?

V: what what happened nini did you hurt yourself love?

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   *Getting up from the couch and go near to her. nini didn't utter a word she Signed him to stop like ✋ and she didn't even saw his face nini in a real pain she struggling while walking she is about to fall V grab her but nini push him and finally managed to go to the bathroom V try to talk with her so many times so many ways but she didn't speak up. V get to know the reason that she is anger on him because he fucked a lots of girls and especially about Jane and V matter that's why she is anger on him.

  V coming to downstairs Jane watching him and notice that he is sobbing..

JANE: hey paboo when did you guys come? You said you'll come after 2 weeks nah? Then what happened

V: Noona..

JANE: what happened why your looking pale and are you sobbing?

V: Noona ca-can  i  ha-ve  sa-some fo-o-od... I-i'm hun-gry

JANE: oh my.. c'mon I'll give you some *Jane literally broken because of V broken voice she really feel bad even though she really don't know what happened between them but she get to know that they misunderstood something... She made breakfast for all of them in 10 mins

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