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Morning 8'o clock

Nini fall asleep on the hall couch. Her mom wake up and saw her little princess fall asleep. She thought in her mind that..

Do you think you really not cried yesterday. I saw you baby. I saw you in your eyes. I can feel how much you love him. I shouldn't have force you to marry him. I made a mistake. I'm sorry for my behaviour baby. I don't know what happened between you and him. But i can assure you that if you talk and sit together you guys may patch up again. Sorry love.

She got tear up and wipe those tears. And she hear a calling bell. He went to the door and open and she saw V.

V: hi ma'am.. sorry AUNT

J.MRS.KIM: it's ok Mr. I get it.. anyway come inside *v get inside she saw a paper in his hands he directly went to the hall and saw Nini sleeping peacefully. He can clearly see those dried tears in her cheeks he felt guilty to make her in the position.

J.MRS.KIM: what purpose did you came?

V: ummm actually

J.MRS.KIM: to get nini back again?

V: umm actually aunt..

J.MRS.KIM: ok V wake her up and both go to the upstairs and talk whatever you want.. if you want to take her or LEAVE her. *Chuckle hard and she went to the kitchen... went abroad for a business meating so he is not in the home. V get close to her and saw the little kid who cuddle the pillow with her.

V: oh you poor baby *tear up he caresses her cheeks eventually it wakes her up. She slowly open her eyes and saw v. And she sat on the sofa.

NINI: oh my... When did you come?

V: right now!

NINI: Oh ok.. for what?

V: i came to give you these *giving the papers

NINI: what's this? *Grab the paper

V: These are Div-

J.MRS.KIM: oh Nini you wake up.. what Victory i told you to get her to the upstairs to her room. Go there and talk.. I'm leaving to the market and I'll come at the afternoon ok..

V: Ok aunt *both went upstairs to Nini room

NINI: You wait here.. i come Back after i wash myself

V: Ok I'm waiting.. *after 20 mins.. V preparing himself to be bold and strong to give those papers to her. 20 minutes killing him he can't wait anymore can't take it anymore. So he knocked the bathroom door.

V: Nini are you ok?

NINI: I'm fine what happened? *After the shower wearing a bathrobe

V: I Just wanna go can you please come faster?

NINI: I'm com-.. oh no..

V: What?

NINI: my bathroom door locked!

V: What?

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