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In the morning 9'o clock at Paris

Nini and v are sleeping. Jennie wake up and she really can't feel his legs she was literally tear up because of the pain v also woke up because of the sobbing sounds which are created by nini. V don't know what's happening and he look at nini and ask

V: what happened? *Sleepy groan voice

NINI: haa.. i feel like dying *sobbing a little

V: what? What made you-

NINI: yesterday night pain *sobbing

V: ohh i thought something else *in a lethargic way

NINI: don't you love me?

V: haa? Love you? God yes i do but it's simple matter nini just calm down and take pills ok it would be fine

NINI: what? Then you don't-

V: babe c'mon we'll take bath together and we'll round the Paris ok!

NINI: i can't walk then how can I-

    V lift her in a bridal style and way to their bathroom and they bath and no they didn't 🤭😂. And v order breakfast for both of them and they eat and v gave her pain killer and make sure she swallow.  The morning went really fast. And they take a car and went to Paris places.

It's 2'o clock:

     They driving and didn't Stop anywhere. Because v like to ride (i mean the bike and cars 🤭) so he driving for a long time and yes he still driving nini really get tired and she fall asleep v didn't mind her and driving the car now it's 6'o clock he stop the car aside of the road and take bottle and face wash his self. He about to wake her up but he saw a beautiful view infront of him. "A beautiful angel who slipped from the heaven is literally sleeping like a Little born baby. Her cheeks, her closed eyes which shows her eye makeup, her plumpy little lips which is little open and shows little tooth of her and the evening orange light shows her shinny skin" he never loves a girl or notice a girl this much he really wanna kiss those cheeks, her lips, the mole under her eyebrows literally make him crazy. He was about to peck her lips due to the sensation nini wakes up. She saw V infront of him and kiss him again in her lips. She responding the kiss this time actually the first time THE PASSIONATE LOVABLE KISS they sharing. Which was liked by nini she really love the way he kissed her and she wants more like this.

    For v his self don't know he was kissing a girl for the first time was passionate about in the kiss. Surprisingly he get to know that Jennie literally like the kiss and the way she responding. He didn't want to broke the kiss so does she. After a good minute she tap his shoulder and he back away and they see eachother eyes. V found that her eyes are literally like a diamond literally it's glossing which gives a add of her eye makeup. He cares her cheeks. Nini looking at V's eyes which are a little doe eyes and she found that there is a little mole on his eye and his nose. V cares her cheeks and nini kiss his palm
V really like the way she doing

V: Are you still tired?

NINI: no *Little smile

V: shall we go to the hotel or?

NINI: where are we now actually?

V: umm it's a Highway in Paris only they have beautiful view of highways.

NINI: heading to?

V: *mockingly*  ahh to Coachella 😂

NINI: Don't play around c'mon where are we going?

V: umm i actually plan for a simple car ride but i actually return this car to the shed and I'm gonna a have a BIKE and we take some necessary things and HEAD TO ITALY

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