The Order: Our Next Generation of Leaders Secondary Interview

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Kimiko Fujiwara Interview One

How are you today, miss--

Let's just get this over with already. I have important business to get back to. What do you want to really ask?

Okay, first question: How would you describe yourself?

Fit, tall and good looking.

You aren't shy about talking about yourself are you?

Why should I be, next question.

In that case, what is your job?

I'm an agent with the Okami Investigative Agency.

What do you investigate primarily?

Anything really, but threats made by shifters and humans alike to national security mostly. It's my speciality.

How old are you?

Twenty-seven. I turn twenty-eight next May.

Are you currently seeing anyone?

Seeing as how I'm investigating a human at the moment and in their world or whatever, no.

You don't date humans?

Why would I subject myself to that?

Not even a quick hook-up?

Are you really supposed to be asking me shit like that?

Are you incapable of answering a question with an actual answer and not a question?

I don't know. Which would you prefer?

Moving on... How old were you when you got back from Alaska?

How do you know about my job in Alaska?

Can we maybe get just one other real answer out of you, Agent Fujiwara?

Fine. You're no fun. I was around twenty-two when I got back to pack land and have been steadily working since.

Do you have any bad habits?

Not really, no.

Not even swearing?

Why would that ever be a bad thing?

Well, it's not always necessary.

Give me an instance when it's not.

I don't know... At a funeral?

The fuck would I be doing at something like that? The only family I have in the states is my uncle and if I didn't swear at his pyre I'd be goddamn flayed. He'd find a way, trust me. Haha! He's the entire reason I have a foul mouth anyways.

Are you close with your uncle?

As close as one would expect.

When you say he's your only family in the states, what do you mean by that?

My parents were here, but now they're not. Died in a shooting. Damn humans never know when to just relax.

I wouldn't say we're all bad.

I would. Move on already. I told you, I have business to attend.

Then, what about language at a wedding ceremony?

Raise a glass and cheer congradu-fuckin'-lations! Everyone does that.

...No. No, they don't.

Well, they should.

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