Chapter Three

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Imogen Bradley scanned the crowds at the Worcester Regional Airport's main terminal for her aunt and felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She looked around and behind herself, then was swamped in a giant hug by the most adorable set of children. They giggled as she hugged them back and gave them greetings with kisses to the bridges of their heads. Then they began digging through her pockets as her heavy set aunt lumbered up to them.

Her aunt batted at the kids. "Get off of her, loves! She has to breathe!"

Imogen couldn't help her rising giggles at their determination to find their hidden treasure. Finally, one of them pulled a lollipop free from Imogen's left jacket pocket and jumped with glee as the other two moved to that pocket and claimed their own prizes. The middle child Penny frowned when she pulled the last piece of candy from her pocket revealing it was chocolate, something she never liked. Imogen smiled and reached into the outer pocket of her rucksack, pulling out a rainbow lollipop.

"No fair!" The oldest boy Henry exclaimed as he bobbed up and down on the balls of his feet. They never could seem to stay still. Oh, to be young and lively all the time. Imogen giggled until he stopped his little dance and shot her a frown. "Why does she always get the fancy ones?"

Penny stared at the lollipop like her mouth may start watering over as she spoke. "Because I am fancy, that's why!"

"Fancy as a cow patty!" Henry snickered, receiving a tug on his ear from his mother.

"Did you just call your baby sister a cow patty?"

"No!" He grabbed at his ear with a stomp to the ground as Penny sneered back at him from behind their mother. He began squirming as he pointed at her, but Aunt Bett ignored his gestures. "I said she's fancy like one! There's a difference! And she just made faces at me behind you, mama!"

Aunt Bett shook her head and let him go, watching alongside Imogen as he stuck his tongue out at Penny. "I swear, he spends entirely too much time hunting with Miles."

"How is uncle Miles?" Imogen asked as she tried to hide her smile with the back of her hand, knowing the exact response her next words would bring. "Where is--"

"Hunting!" Henry answered with a giggle as he took Imogen's wheeled luggage and began to walk toward their family SUV.

They all laughed as they got her things into the vehicle and settled inside. The children wasted no time asking of Britain and what home was like since they'd last been back to their birth town. It made Imogen happy that they still thought of Britain as home, but also sad as she would never be returning. Now that all her things lay waiting at her new flat, there would be no going back even if she desired. To be precise, she did want to return home in an oddly bittersweet way, but a part of her knew this was all for the best. Even if it meant uprooting her life and winding up in a place she wasn't sure she could call home someday soon, if ever.

Apparently picking up on her discomfort, Aunt Bett interrupted them and began to tell tales of all their escapades over the last few months they'd been apart. Imogen only halfway heard everything, smiling when it was appropriate and happy to see the children and her aunt were so obviously doing well. Still, her heart was back in Britain, pained by that bittersweet ache, and that she couldn't shake so hurriedly. No matter the miles between her and it now stretched.

Imogen watched the airport disappear in her rearview mirror and wondered how long it would be before she ever returned. If she would ever return to it. No... No, I can't.

Britain, the place she was raised and loved, felt like a foreign country to her now, yet somehow right in so many other ways. It didn't resonate with Imogen the same way it had and she felt at a loss for that connection. At a loss for any type of connection as her last one, that had been a constant for so long, was now dead.

Not dead in the literal sense, of course. To the contrary, Lanny was very much alive and well. Probably in New York, her hometown, enjoying her latest fling that most likely started long before theirs had even ended. Coming from absentee parents due to a series of combative events, Imogen's only genuine family all currently lived in the states and she'd turned and run to them for some semblance of normalcy. They had even provided a job for her and gotten a flat with the money she'd wired them, but she still felt so empty even being with them now.

"So, how was the flight?" Aunt Bett asked with a pat to her thigh.

"It was nice." Imogen pulled herself from her pondering and rejoined the conversation now that it was acutely directed towards herself. She gave her aunt's hand several pats and sent her a tired smile, ready to be home taking a nap. Then again, she wasn't sure she'd be able to relax enough to do so in a foreign place. Adjusting would definitely be a challenge. "Calming, I guess."

"Good, good." She put her hand back on the steering wheel and bobbed her head for a moment. "Did Miles tell you the specifics of the job?"

"He told me I'd be surveying areas before construction? It's really amazing that he has his own company facility here." Imogen glanced back out of the window and placed her hand along the glass, letting the coolness of it calm her ever growing ball of unsettled nerves that seemed to always make its home in her belly. "It's as beautiful as I remember. Colder, though."

"Yes, it's definitely cold. And yes, it is nice. The Laurens gave him full reign. He only reports to their advisor, the CEO and his sons who have all been very helpful and supportive." She peeked over at Imogen and did a little excited jig much like her own children, reminding Imogen just how alike they all were to each other. She smiled, but that darkness was creeping up on her once more within a second. However, she fended it off, determined to enjoy her time with her family. "Are you excited to get working tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? I thought I had a day to settle."

"Did Miles not talk to you about the latest project?"

"No, that he did not." With ease, Imogen smirked and shook her head. This did appear to be his track record; not remembering to relay the more minor work details. "He was on one of his many rants about--"

"Hunting!" The children chimed in from the backseat making them both laugh.

Penny leaned forward and looked sad. "You're not staying with us for even a little while, Immy?"

"Penny, I already told you. Imogen is finished with university now. She even had a job and everything in Britain, which means she needs her adult space." Her mother reminded her and gave her head a few pats. "Sit back and put your seatbelt back over your shoulder, honey."

At Penny's quivering lip, Imogen reached back and took her hand. "I'll visit you as much as I can, okay, love?"

Penny beamed and opened her mouth to answer as she sat back, readjusting her seatbelt, most likely about to explain why Imogen just had to go over and see her latest toys. However, before she could get a word out, something hit the SUV. Glass pelted Imogen's face as the vehicle rolled and the sounds of something crashing from beyond filled the air before her world went black.

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