Chapter Seven

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Kimiko stepped out of her new, jet black truck and glanced along the construction site around herself. Men and women moved around every which way with hard hats, carrying everything from powertools to large blocks of lumber. A man in a suit came out of a trailer with other suits and Kimiko knew where she was headed.

She let the humans get out of the way and stepped up the trailer ramp, receiving a few odd looks from those around herself -- most likely humans who didn't have much experience with Okami shifters her size she surmised -- then walked inside. Other Japanese citizens were short, rather small people, but the Okami wolves were quite the opposite and Kimiko always drew skeptical eyes when around humans. A woman behind the first desk looked up and gave her a stunned expression as she jolted up straight in her chair. She glanced up and down Kimiko's body, then furrowed her brow.

"Can I help you, honey?"

Kimiko sauntered up to the desk and leaned over it, pulling out her phone. She pulled up Ms. Bradley's photo and held it out to the woman. "I've been informed this woman works here. Can you tell me where to find her?"

"Ah! That's Ms. Bradley." The woman scrunched up her nose and pushed her glasses up her face as she blinked a few times and admired the photo. She reminded Kimiko of a little gray rabbit and she snorted, not worried about whatever impression this woman had of her. The woman glanced up at her with a rather dubious expression, nearly making Kimiko just laugh outright, and rose from her chair. "The foreman's niece. She's on the lam, surveying a few hotspots for us." Kimiko tilted her head in confusion, nibbling on her top lip as she tried to decipher her words, and the older woman chuckled. "She's out getting the layout of some sites the Laurens sent us recently. I can leave a message for her from you if you'd like, dear."

"That won't be necessary." Kimiko pulled her Okami investigative badge from her back pocket and flashed it at the woman. "Where is she meant to be right now? She and I have matters to discuss. I just have some follow-up questions about her accident earlier this week."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give that information out to..." She trailed off as Kimiko dangled her badge in the air and pointed at her clearance rank. "My apologies. I didn't realize you were an official ally. I didn't recognize the insignia at first. Give me one moment and I'll have that information for you."

Kimiko stiffly smiled and sat down in the chair beside herself. It had been four days since their last meeting and her blood felt rushed at finally coming face-to-face with this woman again. Imogen left quite the impression and was definitely more than she appeared. Not only that, but she also had a sordid history, the likes of which Kimiko wouldn't regularly associate with such a sophisticated woman.

Imogen dated one of the highest ranking members of the Laurens family and was top of her class in Britain. An Architect. She'd done a series of park designs, gathering funds through several community campaigns, but after her last project, she hadn't been involved in a single development. Kimiko spent the last few days going over every bit of information Maki sent to her about Imogen.

She was also quite the social bug during her short time in the workforce.

That was, until about four months ago when she completely fell off of the grid and quit her job in Britain, and now she had moved her life to Connecticut. It also wasn't the first time that she'd barely escaped death. Once prior to their first meeting, Imogen had also been attacked in her home country by yet another feral wolf. It left Kimiko wondering if it had something to do with that odd scent she picked up on her and she wanted to get a taste of it again. Maybe a taste of Imogen's true scent as well, despite her harsher stance on mingling with humans.

It definitely needs some investigating. Kimiko thought with a smirk as the secretary turned back to her and held out a sheet of paper. Kimiko didn't let her smirk fall as she stood and took it, glancing it over. It was a map of the site with an X marking Imogen's location and the secretary had even marked the path Kimiko should take once she got to the property. With one last nod toward the older woman and a thank you, Kimiko turned toward the doors and made her way back outside. Perfect. See you soon, Ms. Bradley.

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