Chapter Fourteen

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Imogen walked into her flat and locked the door behind herself, stepping out of her shoes along the way with a wide yawn. What a long day... It was odd not to see Kimi following her home, but a relief she didn't have to deal with her always being so close for the time being. Her uncle told her he would speak with Kimiko about giving Imogen some space to come to a decision and it looked like he had come through.

Someone knocked at her door and she tipped her head back and up toward the ceiling in a silent cry. Guess the moment is over. She turned back around, opened her front door and found Lanny Laurens standing there with a bouquet in her hands and a hopeful look on her face.

With a sigh, Imogen halfway closed the door, but stayed standing there making it more than obvious she was not welcome. "What do you want, Lan?"

"I just thought I'd check on your recovery. Nothing more than a fast check up, I promise. Maybe over dinner. A friendly dinner, Immy. Friendly. I mean it." She held up the bouquet and some Thai takeout in her other. "Hungry? I got take-away."

Too tired to argue and too hungry to turn her mouthwatering food away, Imogen turned and left with the door open behind herself. In the kitchen, she took out two plates and watched Lanny giddily skip over, putting the Thai and flowers down on the counter. Imogen looked up at her and saw no dark circles under her eyes and no paleness. Maybe her information had been correct and Lanny really was cleaning herself up. That's good.

"So, how are you feeling?" She easily grinned as she leaned against the bar, appearing rather genuine, and watched Imogen's every move.

"I'm fine. I didn't even get that banged up."

"Yeah, but...another feral attack. That must be difficult."

"I'm fine." Imogen slammed down two glasses and turned to the fridge, her nerves irked. She pulled out the orange juice and began to pour some. "Was there anything else you wanted? If not, let's eat and then you can leave. I don't mean to be rude, but once you leave, I can sleep."

"Well, I don't really know." Lanny took a sip of her orange juice once Imogen handed it over and gave her a tight lipped, nervous smile over the rim of the glass. "Your uncle said you were doing well and Cliff told me about you calling him about some woman. I asked Miles about her and--"

"You did what?"

Lanny continued as if Imogen hadn't said a single thing. "He said she's some lovesick wolf following you around that you can't seem to shake. I thought I'd check and make sure she wasn't causing you any trouble. If you need me to, I can talk with my father and have her transferred. Miles seemed pretty worried about you."

Imogen put the juice away, chugged what was still left in her glass, then grabbed the Thai bag and the bouquet, thrusting them out toward Lanny. "Turns out I'm not that hungry. Enjoy."

"Wh-What are you talking about? It's Thai." Lanny stood from the bar stool and frowned. "You never turn down--"

Imogen closed her eyes and spoke so quickly she resembled a track being sped up. "Whatever is going on in my life, romantic or otherwise, has absolutely nothing to do with you. I think it's time you leave and don't ever speak to me about Kimi again."

"Kimi, huh?" Lanny's eyebrows reached her hairline and she gave her a defiantly rebellious gaze. She reached out and tenderly took Imogen's hand, holding it along her chest. "Why won't you listen? I'm just being friendly, Immy. No ulterior motives, I promise. Jesus, I'd even swear on a bible, if you asked me. I know I made mistakes, but youre my family and I only want to be there for you. Platonically. Couldn't you at least be willing to have a normal conversation before sending me away? I'm worried about you. Please tell me something? Anything?"

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