Chapter Twenty-Three

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Imogen pushed back in her chair and it fell to the floor, taking her along with it. The wind was knocked out of her, but she continued her struggle to break free. Just as she managed to roll onto her side, another growl erupted through the house and Kimi's wolf crashed through the door. She was snarling, foam dripping from her mouth and eyes that said kill.

Imogen shuddered, hearing the legs of the chair literally hitting the floor with each shake, and tried to will herself to lay as still as possible while Kimi circled her. "Kimi? Kimi, snap out of it!" The wolf shook its head and rubbed along its snout, then turned back toward her and snarled once more. "Kimi, it's me! It's your Imogen, darling! You know me!"

Kimi tilted her head to the side, but kept growling. She hunched down with her ears flat against her head and her tail stiff, only twitching on occasion. She cautiously walked toward Imogen as she tried to push herself back away from her, remembering what her research told her about a wolf's tail, but not soon enough. Kimi lunged, but she was knocked out of the way just in time by something larger.

It was a fox, but the markings it held were different than any fox she'd ever seen hiding in the brush in Camberley. Now wasn't the time to be awestruck, however, and Imogen tried to push back as far as she possibly could. Kimi jumped to her feet and snarled at the fox as she pounced toward it. She locked her jaw on one of the foxes hind legs and threw it against the far wall. It was back on its feet in a heartbeat like it hadn't even noticed the scuffle and put itself between Kimi and Imogen. Cool hands were on Imogen's wrists startling her, and she turned to find Pen was trying to remove her ropes.

"What is that?" Imogen asked as she peeked over her shoulder.

"That's Bast." Pen got her untied and massaged her wrists for a few seconds. "Part Feline. Part Fox."

"She's a hybrid? Why isn't she being affected by the pheromones?" She jumped to her feet and watched Bastet's fur ripple.

"I don't know. It did nothing to Xenia either. Perhaps it only affects wolves."

Kimi lunged at Bastet, but Bastet gracefully intercepted her attack and pinned her to the floor. She growled at Kimi who lashed around, trying to break free.

"Where's Jules?" Imogen queried.

Pen ushered her toward the door, but she kept her eyes with Kimi as she heard her finally answer, "In the getaway car. Xenia wouldn't shift without her being somewhere safe with her pregnancy."

Imogen glanced at Pen just as a loud whine pierced through the air, causing her to wince as a strong wave of pain hit her gut. She glanced over the torn apart room and spotted Kimi on the floor with an injured leg and Bastet in front of her, demanding submission.

"Don't hurt her! She doesn't know what she's doing!" Imogen yelled at Bastet.

Bastet backed up a bit from Kimi as Imogen shed her sweater and shirt, then threw it out of the room and into the hallway. Kimi's gaze followed the trajectory of the clothing and she leapt in its direction past Imogen and Pen, tearing it apart. She finished, then turned around and slowly entered the room once more. A snarl played at her lips, but instead of Bastet, Pen stepped forward.

She looked at Bastet for a moment, then nodded and turned back toward Kimi. What were they planning? Pen stepped forward and stared into Kimi's eyes. As if carried in with the wind drifting into the house through the open front door, a song filled the room. Imogen couldn't discern the words and the harder she tried, the more hazy she grew, but she knew its source. It was Penelope. Kimi's wolf tilted its head to the side and her snarling slowly subsided, turning into a series of whines. She trotted from side-to-side with a soft growl rumbling in her chest and Pen held her hand out behind herself.

"Come here, Imogen. I'll need your help for this next bit." Imogen carefully took her hand and Pen pulled her in front of herself. "Hold out your hand to her muzzle. And don't show any fear, okay?"

Imogen could feel her body shaking. She peered over at Kimi again and looked deeply into her eyes as she slowly began unwinding her tense body, the sweet song still echoing around the room lulling her into partial relaxation right along with Kimi. The foam was mostly gone from her mouth, her leg was nearly healed and her Kimi seemed just behind one last veil.

Taking a step forward and determined not to let her worry show, Imogen held out her hand and waited for Kimi to lean into her touch. Once she had, Imogen knew exactly what to do. It was just like before in her apartment. Kimi was waiting for her to show her submission to her.

Imogen read up on wolf mating habits and used that knowledge, taking another bold risk. She stepped closer and kissed Kimi's snout. She lifted her head like she was looking down on her and Imogen turned her face away, looking at her from the corners of her eyes. Kimi took in a long whiff and her eyes grew wide. She rubbed her snout along Imogen's chest just like she had before. Then she felt a long wet lick smearing along her neck and Kimi bounced up on her hind legs.

"No, not that! Wait!" It was too late. Kimi put her paws on Imogen's shoulders and sent her falling down. Pen and Bastet moved toward them like they thought Kimi was about to attack, then Imogen saw them stop when Kimi started licking all over her face. "Kimi! You're too heavy! Not this again!"

Her wolf laid down between her legs and rested its paws crossed over her chest. She laid her head beside her own and sighed in contentment as Imogen's hands found her fur. That silky fur she realized she loved more and more each day. Imogen let out a long breath and buried her face in Kimi's neck, happy that at least this part was all over.

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