Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Imogen let the water from the shower rain onto her face, trying to wash away the copious amounts of tears she shed last night. As she woke, she felt the weight of them on her cheeks and immediately needed to wash them free. Unburdened. Everyone else still appeared to be asleep, including Kimi. When she walked through her small flat, she found Bastet and Pen asleep on the sofa and Jules and Xenia next to them on the floor. Apparently Bastet had tried to get Jules to take the couch, but she said she preferred the floor, and from the blissful way she slept in Xenia's arms, it must have been true. The unity between those four was something of which Imogen found herself somewhat jealous. She wanted it.

She hadn't seen Jules and Xenia in so long and yearned to be a part of their lives again now that her memories were flooding back. They'd spent most of the previous night going through the old photos of them as children while they waited for word from the Okami and Laurens and Xenia and Pen filled in their respective tribes. Everyone was exhausted and ready for sleep.

As much as Imogen originally wanted to make love to Kimi now that she was safely at home, she had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. When she woke, Kimi looked so peaceful in her sleep, Imogen didn't want to disturb her, but she definitely needed to wash away all of the mayhem that happened over the last few chaotic days.

Imogen shivered at the memory of what her own uncle had done, even schemed to do, and marveled at her aunt's strength. Miles was being escorted back to Laurens' headquarters and Aunt Bett had already declared she was filing for divorce.

Divorce, huh?

It seemed like such an odd and rather barbaric thing to do for some reason unbeknownst to Imogen. Then again, she wouldn't want her aunt to be tied to that man any longer either, but for right now, she just couldn't ever see herself leaving Kimi.

It was so odd a thought, but so right. Imogen wondered if this was Kimi's ancestors playing some odd and cruel joke on them at first, but the more time she spent around Kimi, even when they weren't talking, told her there was so much more to come out of their budding relationship. The idea that she and Kimi would ever resort to divorce... Well, it just won't happen. Imogen may not have known everything about Kimi, but she knew enough and would learn more and more. She knew enough to deduce she would fall deeper in love with her each moment that...

Wait... Love...? She leaned against the shower wall and tapped her head along it as her thoughts rambled out of control.

As if on cue, Kimi pulled back the shower curtain and yawned as she stepped inside behind Imogen. Even with closed eyes, she found her hips and pulled her in closely. So close she could feel the kinky hairs of Kimi's core rub against her backside. She turned around and put her arms around her neck as Kimi finally opened her eyes.

"Mor...ning." She mumbled as she lazily glanced over Imogen's body, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"Good morning."

Kimi kissed along her cheek and cooed, "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked like you could use some sleep."

Kimi nestled into the crook of her neck and nibbled at her slick skin, promptly igniting a fire in Imogen's belly. "I need this more."

Kimi pushed her up against the far wall and plunged two fingers deep into her sex without hesitation. Imogen shuddered and tipped her head back in a silent cry as she realized just how wet she'd already grown from Kimi simply caressing her. She licked up the hollow of Imogen's throat and bit down into the side of her neck. She came, so fast she was amazed, then the second wave hit her.

Kimi dropped to her knees and wrapped one of Imogen's legs over her shoulder. She took her into her mouth and split her fingers inside of her making Imogen scrape her nails along her shoulders.

"W-Wait...!" Kimi found her most sensitive place and Imogen hissed as she dropped her head. She watched her lick and suck her core and panted, trying as hard as she might to catch her breath. "I can't...! Kimi, I'll...! Wait!"

"What's so wrong with that, gorgeous?" Her eyes flitted up and she cracked a frisky smile before taking her into her mouth again, still boldly gazing into her eyes.

"Longer!" Imogen tried to hold off and threaded her fingers into her hair. "Want to...go longer!"

"How many times?"

Kimi stood and kept her fingers inside of her, playing everywhere else but her favorite place as Imogen squeaked, "W-What?"

"I can make you come in so many ways, Imogen, and as many times as you'd like." That confidence was betwitching. She pulled her fingers out of her ever so slowly and scissored them along either side of her folds. Kimi took her nipple into her mouth and gently tugged on it with her teeth, making Imogen hiss. "I remember what you like. Your lesson from before was..." She sucked harder on the oversensitized, turgid nub, then let it go with a pop. "Enlightening. So stunning and never leaving my head."

Kimi kissed her way up her cleavage, but Imogen caught her lips with her own and began playing with her core. She shivered against Imogen and dropped her head to her shoulder. Kimi kissed along her goosebump covered flesh, and then rubbed her lips over every place she kissed.

"Don't stop."

"Tell me how you like it." Imogen commanded as she groped her right buttock with her free hand, smiling as Kimi's muscles flexed under her fingers. She definitely took pride in her high end physique and Imogen loved it. She ran her hand up along her toned backside, knowing it would be something she'd look at time and time again throughout the rest of her life, as she sunk her nails into her skin. Kimi craned her neck and smiled as she seemingly lost control, her mouth opening and closing several times, showing her lack of rational thought. "I like it softer... But you like it rough, don't you, darling?"

Kimi nodded and Imogen enjoyed her fun morning.

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