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[A door opens, and closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center, known as the Mirror of Erised. Harry appears and walks over to the mirror. In the reflection, he sees two people appear who are Harry's late parents, James and Lily Potter.]

Harry: Mum? [Lily nods and smiles] Dad?

[James nods and smiles. Harry reaches out to touch them, but only gets the mirror. Then, his mother puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on his own shoulders, as if trying to feel her there.]

"Was that the first time you ever saw us?" Lily wept softly, broken-hearted at the knowledge of her son growing up without knowing what his parents looked like.

"Yes, but it certainly wasn't the last." Harry explained.

[Back in the boy's dormitory in Gryffindor tower, Harry comes whipping in, invisible.]

Harry: Ron! You've really got to see this! Ron! You've got to see this! [pulls back covers. Ron wakes up.] Ron, Ron, come on. Get out of bed!

Ron: [tired] Why?

Harry: There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!

[Back in the room. Harry and Ron appear as if magically and Harry runs to the mirror.]

Harry: Come on. Come. Come look, it's my parents!

Ron: I only see me.

Harry: [moves over] Look in properly. Go on. Stand there. There. You see them, don't you? Thats my dad—

Ron: That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?

Regulus recognized the mirror and read the words on it, " I show you not your face but your hearts desire."

"Ten points to Slytherin, Uncle Reg." Jasper joked.

Avery sighs, "I swear, Reggie should've been a Ravenclaw. To hell what Walburger and Onion Ring thinks." She joked ignoring the glare she was getting from Walburga.

Harry: How can it? Both my parents are dead. [Harry smiles sadly.]

[One day, in the Great Hall where most of the students, particularly the Weasleys are eating, Harry sits in front of the fireplace.]

George: Do you like yours, Ron? [Ron turns to harry who still sits in front of the fireplace who is very quiet.] Ron?

Ron: I'll be right back. [He leaves the table and comes up to Harry.] Want to play chess?

Harry: No.

Ron: We go and visit Hagrid?

Harry: No.

"You should've just wrote to Avery, she would've got his mind off of it." Blaise joked.

Avery shook her head, "I don't even think I would've been a distraction for that."

"I think you're underestimating the power you had over Harry back then." Ron assured, causing all their friends to nod.

Even Harry shrugged and nodded in agreement, knowing Avery was his cure to everything.

Ron: Harry, I know what you're thinking, but don't. There's something not quite right about that mirror.

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