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[Mrs. Weasley is carrying Scabbers as she runs to catch up with the Hogwarts Express.]

Mrs. Weasley: Ron! Ron! [hands Scabbers to Ron through a train window] Oh, for goodness sake, don't lose him!

Jasper chuckles, "That's all he did this term."

[Students wave as the train pulls out of the station. Jasper went to find the Ravenclaw girls as Harry, Ron, and Hermione are now looking for a compartment.]

Harry: I didn't mean to blow her up, I just - I lost control.

Ron: Brilliant.

Hermione: Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry was lucky not to be expelled.

Harry: I think I was lucky not to be arrested, actually.

Ron: I still think it was brilliant.

"Because it was." James, Sirius, Ron, and Theo muttered.

Hermione: [Hermione nods to a compartment] Come on. Everywhere else is full.

[As they slip inside, they find a man in shabby robes (Professor Lupin) slumped against the window, asleep; however, Avery is leaning on him asleep as well. He looks ill, exhausted. The trio eye him warily. Whisper.]

Ron: Who d'you reckon he is?

Hermione: Professor R.J. Lupin.

Ron: You know everything. How is it she knows everything?

Hermione: It's on his case, Ronald.
[She points. Stamped in peeling letters on a battered case is "Professor R.J. Lupin."] And why would Avery lean on a random man to sleep?

"Someone with common sense." Avery muttered.

Harry: Oi, that's my future father-in-law. Are they really asleep?

"And someone without." Avery chuckled earning a nudge from her boyfriend.

"No marriage until she's fifty!" Remus yelled.

James smirked, "Last movie you said until she's thirty."

"Oi! Now you remember everything I say?!" Remus scolded.

Hermione: Seems to be. Why?

Harry: I gotta tell you something. [slides the door shut, over camera]

[Ron and Hermione stare at Harry, faces stricken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slumbers in his cage next to Leo, Avery's cat.]

Ron: Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you? Jasper's father, wants to kill you?

Harry: Yes, his father.

Hermione: But they'll catch Black, won't
they? I mean... eventually?

Ron: Sure -- Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic...

Harry: Thanks, Ron [sighs]

"Such an optimistic person." The twins joked.

[Avery, still asleep, turns over and starts to lean on Harry. He subconsciously wraps his arm around her to make her feel comfortable.]

Harry: [slightly smiles then pushes a curl out of her face] Even asleep she knows how to cheer me up.

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