- 3.12

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[Sirius and Harry are helping Ron back through the passageway Hermione is following behind.]

Sirius: Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit.

Ron: [looks at him furious] A bit? You almost bit my bloody leg off!

Sirius: Not my finest moment.

[Jasper, Avery and Harry are right behind the trio. An awkward silence between them, tension.]

"Awkwardddd." Amara and Ariel sung.

Avery: [sighs] Thanks for actually listening to what Sirius had to say, Potter.

Harry: [smiles a bit sadly] I needed to hear the truth. Besides, Jasper was right. I didn't have the guts to kill him.

Jasper: Because you're not a killer, Harry. [Walks in slightly front of the two] Besides, I believe someone owes someone an apology.

Harry: [nods] Avery, I'm truly sorry about what I said the other day. I was feeling so many emotions and took them out on you— [ looks at Jasper] on both of you. [ sighs] And I'm sorry.

Avery: [smiles] You're forgiven, toe-rag.

"YES! Team Havery is back!" Marlene beamed.

Doracs shook her head, "Technically, she's still with Draco. Dravery is still going."

"Dravery is dead. Get over it, darling." Marlene deadpanned.

Avery and Draco chuckled, knowing technically they both were right.

[Sirius helps Hermione carry Ron out of the Whomping Willow, helping him settle on the ground, before walking a distance away. Looking at the view that is Hogwarts. The Original Trio come out right after them, Jasper immediately going to his father.]

Jasper: [pats Sirius's back] Enjoying the view, old man?

Sirius: [smiles mischievously] Old man?! I got your old man! [starts to play rough with his son] How dare you! Old?! I could never be!

Jasper: [laughing] Maybe if you fixed yourself appearance! [They stop play fighting and actually look at each other, happy] I'm glad to finally have you back, dad.

Sirius: [tearing up] I'm glad to be back, son. [pulls his son into a big hug.]

"Father and son goals!" Destiny yelled tearing up.

Harry: [tries to help Ron out, sighs] Okay. [looks at Sirius and Jasper]

Ron: You better go.

Harry: [shakes his head] No. No, don't worry. It's fine, I'll stay.

Hermione: [pats Harry's leg] You go, I'll stay.

Avery: Go, Harry. I'm pretty sure they want to talk to you anyway. [points to the duo, who were ushering Harry to come over.]

"Oi! A new trio is among us." Mary squealed.

Hermione: [inspecting Ron's wounds] Oh, that looks really painful.

Ron: [chuckles] So painful. They uh— they might chop it off.

Hermione: [chuckles] I'm sure Madam Pompfrey it in a heartbeat.

Ron: [shakes his head] It's too late. It's ruined, it'll have to be chopped off.

Avery: [snorts] Malfoy and Parkinson 2.0? Hush up, I'm trying to eavesdrop.

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