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[Harry lays in bed, shocked by what he just heard. A few days later, in the girls' bathroom, he tells Avery, Ron, Jasper and Hermione what he overheard. A gloomy place. Cracked mirrors. Chipped sinks. Guttering candles. Harry, Jasper, and Ron huddle over a small, bubbling cauldron, as Hermione help Avery add strange ingredients.]

Hermione: "Again"? You mean, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?

Ron: Of course! Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must've opened it when he was at school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it.

Jasper: [snorts] How old do you think Barbie Sr. is, Ronald?

Lucius scowls as the great hall snickers.

"He's old as hell that's for sure." Barty joked.

"I graduated two years ago." Lucius snapped.

"And you're already aging." Evan shook his head.

Hermione: Maybe. We'll have to wait for the
Polyjuice Potion to know for sure.

Avery: [gets up and walks in front of a sink and mirror] Minnie says the professors have looked everywhere, but maybe the chamber is somewhere in plain sight. [starts fixing her curls] For all we know the Chamber of Secrets could be right in front of us.

The future generation chuckles at their friend.

"I'm guessing by the laughing, the chamber is in that lavatory." Jasmine muttered to her boyfriend.

Remus nodded, "Can't believe our daughter is gifted."

Ron: Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of a girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?

Hermione: Never. No one over comes in here.

Jasper: [smirks] Don't worry, Ronniekins. No one would ever believe you were in the girls' lavatory.

The twins snort. Fred says, "We still don't believe it."

George nods, "And we're looking at the evidence!"

Ron: [rolls his eyes, looks to Hermione] Why?

Hermione: Moaning Myrtle.

Ron: Who's Moaning Myrtle?

[There is a loud, piercing screech, and the ghost of a young girl comes racing out of a wall. face to face with Ron.]

Moaning Myrtle: I'm Moaning Myrtle. I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about fat, ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle? [Myrtle sobs loudly, dives head first into the toilet.]

Draco and Avery state, "She's a wonderful person to talk to in need."

Ginny nods, "Trust me, I understand completely."

Hermione: She's a little sensitive.

Avery: [scoffs] You would be too, if you died here and students won't leave you alone. Myrtle is better than me, because I would've haunted all of them bloody assholes.

Harry: [smirks] I would love it if you haunted me in my bedroom.

Avery: Pothole, please don't. [sighs] Whose hairs are you guys getting? Jasper and I have to have are lies together.

"Pothole?!" Sirius laughed with his friends.

Lily chuckles then shrugs, "He's doing better than his father."

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