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[In the clouds during sunset, we see the Warner Bros. Pictures shield moving towards the screen and rotates out of the shot. Then, the film's title in golden letters slowly zooms through the camera afterwards; it is a quiet summer evening in Surrey. Harry Potter is in his bedroom looking at the picture book that Rubeus Hagrid gave him at the end of his first year at Hogwarts; he looks at the picture of him as a baby with his parents, then turns the page to look at a picture of him with his closest friends, Jasper Black, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger; then turns the page and looks at the picture of him and the girl he's in love with, Avery Lupin, hugging; he then hears his owl Hedwig chirping and hooting in her cage.]

The audience awes at the pictures.

Avery tilts her head, "When did Hagrid even take that? I look cute though."

"Nothing new, love." Harry sighed.

Harry: I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. [Hedwig nibbles at her lock, squawking loudly] Besides, if Uncle Vernon--

Vernon: [angrily from downstairs] Harry Potter!

"He better not touch you!" James grumbled.

Harry: [glances downstairs then looks at Hedwig before closing his book and going downstairs] Now you've done it.

[In the kitchen, Petunia is working on a cake as Harry enters.]

Petunia: He's in there, Vernon.

[Harry enters the living room, where Uncle Vernon is getting Dudley dressed up.]

Vernon: I'm warning you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go.

Harry: But she's bored. If I could only let her out for... an hour or two.

Vernon: [chuckles] So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir.

Harry: But I haven't had any messages from any of my friends. Not one. All summer.

All the mothers turned to their children, about to scold them but Harry interrupted, "Don't yell at them! It will be explained in a few seconds why I thought they didn't write to me."

Dudley: Who would want to be friends with you? [bumps Harry harshly]

"Us!" The future generation yelled, Harry blushed feeling loved.

Vernon: I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you a were a baby, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts.

Petunia: [to Dudley] Not now, bumpkins. It's for when the Masons arrive.

Vernon: Which should be any minute. [motions for his family to come into the living room] Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?

"Who practices a dinner party?" Mia asked aloud, many people shrugged not knowing the answers.

"People who don't have class." Amara stated.

"People who have no personality." Ariel added.

"Also known as: the Dursleys." Avery concluded, people chuckled at the girls' tag teaming.

Petunia: In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home.

Vernon: Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?

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