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[The scene changes to dungeon corridors. Where Avery, Jasper, Fred & George were running away from Filch.]

Avery: [running, whisper shouts] We have to hide somewhere!

"I'm so bloody proud." Sirius wiping tears from his eyes.

Fred: [running, frustrated] We passed up a number of broom cupboards!

George: [running, groans] Filch would have our asses by now!

Jasper: [points to the Slytherin Common Room] Bloody hell! Just run in there!

[The four New Marauders ran into the common room, slamming the door shut as they caught their breath. From the couches Theo, Blaise and Draco looked at the for confused.]

Avery: [turns to the three, pants] Running... Filch... successfully pranked.

Filch scoff and muttered, "I bloody hate children."

Theo: [chuckles] Well done. Fred. George. Been a while since we've seen you in here.

Draco: [scoffs] Yeah, when their not pranking us.

Fred: [chuckles] I believe we only prank you. Isn't that right, Feorge?

George: [beaming] Absolutely right, Gred. First years are for practice. But you, [smirks] Malfoy, are our main target. [Draco rolls his eyes, a small smile appearing.]

Blaise: [chuckles] You lot might as well get comfortable. Something tells me Filch will be looking for you guys for a long time.

"Gryffindors in the Slytherin common room? Willingly and invited in?" Lucius questioned in disgust.

"We love the twins. They're bloody entertaining." Blaise smiled.

"Oi, Zabini quit it!" Fred said playfully.

"Yes, You're making us blush!" George smirked.

[The four walked to the couches and joined the three Slytherin boys. They were the only ones in the common room, seeing at it was the weekend and there were two other schools sharing the castle with them.]

Avery: [huffs] How was your summer boys?

Blaise: [smiled] Mum and I went to Spain. Lovely country during the break. Saw Amara couple of times too.

Theo: [smirked] Yeah, just a couple times.

Blaise: [kicks Theo's shin] Shut up!

Jasper: [smirks] Wait a bloody minute! You telling me Blaisie Boy here has feelings for our very own Amara Rios?

Amara and Blaise glanced at each other, blushing furiously.

"Oh goodie. My daughter has boys. Yay." Regulus sarcastically cheered.

Fred: Aw, our young lad is growing up. [wipes a fake tear away.]

George: Only fifteen and in love. My, my how time flies.

Avery: [squeals] Oh my Merlin! Blaise do you like Mara?!

Draco: [snorts] If he doesn't answer this question in the next five seconds I'm going to summon the letters he sent from this summer about her.

New Marauders: DO IT!

Blaise: [Jumps out of his seat] No! [sighs, slightly smiles] Yes. There! Merlin I said it. I like Amara!

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