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[Nighttime. In the Gryffindor Common Room. The four friends come down the stairs and begin to walk across the floor. They stop when they hear croaking.]

Harry: Trevor.

Jasper: [whisper-yells] Trevor, unless you want to be kicked, I suggest you make your way back to Neville.

"You must like threatening animals." Destiny wondered.

Ron: Trevor shh! Go, you shouldn't be here!

Neville: [appears behind a chair] Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?

Harry: Now, Neville, listen. We were -

Neville: No! I won't let you! [stands] You'll get Gryffindor in trouble again! I-I'll fight you. [Neville holds out his fists.]

"Go, Neville!" Dorcas shouted, causing the boy to blush.

Jasper: When Ron said stand up for yourself, he didn't mean against us.

Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this...[takes out wand] Petrificus Totalus.

[Neville is frozen and falls backwards onto the pillow Jasper rushed under him. Hermione puts her wand back.]

Neville winced at his younger self, rubbing his head.

"Thank Merlin Jasper put that pillow under you." Alice sighed.

Ron: [Gulp] You're a little scary sometimes...you know that? Brilliant, but scary.

Harry: Let's go. [Walks by Neville] Sorry.

Hermione: Sorry.

Ron: It's for your own good, you know.

[They walked out of the portrait hole, and met Avery outside in the corridor.]

Avery: [huffed, leaning off the wall] What the bloody hell took you idiots so long?

Jasper: [walks up to her] Neville tried to stop us, Hermione handled it.

Harry: I know I said we need you, but you don't have to come if you don't want to. [He looked into Avery's eyes, the girl slightly smiled]

Awes were heard throughout the great hall.

"I want a protective boyfriend like that!" A random student pouted.

" I want a boyfriend!" a girl pouted, next to her boyfriend who looked at her confused.

"I must be wearing an Invisibility cloak because I'm literally right here."

She rolls her eyes, "Did you save me from a troll? No. Did you save me in the forbidden forest? No. So shut up."

Avery chuckles at the couple, "Yeah, No. That's not even one of the top reasons why I fell in love with Harry."

"Then why? How did he actually get you?"

"He didn't get me. He earned me. Once he stopped treating me like a prize to be won, and like an actual person, he got the better side of me." Avery smiled as her boyfriend kissed her cheek.

Avery: Harold, don't worry about me. You need my help, anytime, I'm there. [He nodded, and pulled out the Invisibility cloak] It's a little small for all five of us isn't it? [pulls out her wand] Engorgio. [the cloak grows a little larger] There we go, now let's get going.

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