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[Butterflies flutter over the great green lawn. The Giant Squid breaks through the last glaze of ice on the Black Lake. The Whomping Willow shakes the water from its branches...]

[The dying sun streams through high windows, painting Harry's face a fierce amber-red as he stands opposite Lupin. Ancient charts drape the walls while gleaming spheres of spun glass orbit one another silently. Lupin paces before a large trunk.]

Lupin: You're sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level.

Harry: If Black can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too.

Sirius looked complexed. Sure he was happy Harry was learning things past his grade level, but he was learning to be ready to kill him.

[Lupin studies Harry -- as if conflicted -- then decides.]

Lupin:  Very well. The spell I'm going to  teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever hear of it? [Harry shakes his head.]

Lupin: A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of him.

[Just then, the trunk rattles violently. As Harry's eyes wander, Lupin SNAPS his fingers, brings his attention back.]

Lupin: But in order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one. And powerful.

[Harry thinks a bit.   Then... nods.]

Marlene leans towards Mary, "Ten galleons the memory is about Avery."

Mary smirks, "After that argument? Sure. Deal."

Dorcas shakes her head, "You just lost ten galleons."

Lupin: Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum. Without your wand...

Harry: Expecto Patronum...

Lupin: Right then. Shall we?

[Harry nods, raises his wand. Lupin, watching closely, reaches over, grips the lid of the trunk...]

Lupin: Concentrate, Harry. Concentrate...

[As Lupin flings open the case, Harry opens his eyes. In the sun's blood-light, the Dementor looks particularly horrific.]

Harry: Expecto... Patronum...

[The torches on the wall flicker as a chill breeze fills the chamber. A scream echoes distantly. Harry's hand trembles. His eyes begin to roll up...]

Harry: Expecto... Expecto...

Lupin: Here!
[CRACK! -- the Dementor mutates into a silvery white orb.]

James looked at his son, proudly. He may have failed on his first try, but he was brave enough to even have a first try.

Lupin: Riddikulus!

[Lupin flicks his wand, sends the orb back into the
packing case. Harry stands blinking. Dazed. Lupin
fishes a chocolate frog from his pocket. Presses it into Harry's trembling hand.]

Lupin: Quickly.

[Harry studies the frog. Takes a bite. Begins to recover.]

Harry: That's one nasty Dementor.

Lupin: Boggart, Harry. The real thing would be much, much worse. Just out of interest, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?

Harry: The first time I rode a broom.

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