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[As the Anglia drops through a pink sky, a haphazard mess of a house, built around a towering central chimney, appears below.  By the road, a lopsided sign reads:  THE BURROW. The car touches down in a whirling cone of dust, scatters a group of chickens, and fishtails to a halt.  The boys spill quickly out of the car.]

"Nice landing boys." Arthur smiled at his sons, but it was quickly wiped away when he saw his wife's glare.

[Fred walks to the window and opens it to unlock the door.]

Fred: Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh!

[Fred is checking that the coast is clear then beckoning the others inside.]

Fred: Okay, come on

Ron: Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?

[George is half smiling.]

George: Yeah, Mum would never know.

"I always know." Molly scoffed.

[The boys sneak inside, gently close the door.  Harry stops. Magical objects surround him:  A clock displays different chores for each family member. A pair of needles knit a sweater by themselves. And a stack of playing cards that. A stack of playing cards shuffling themselves, providing a cooling breeze for Ron's aging rat, Scabbers. Ron shrugs, averts his eyes self-consciously.]

"Woah!" A random student awed out.

Murmurs of amazement were heard throughout the hall. The Weasleys were blushing slightly smiling.

Ron: It's not much, but it's home

Harry: I think it's...brilliant.

Molly's smile brightens, happy the boy felt welcomed into her home.

[Ron looks up. Sees Harry's mesmerized face. Ron slowly smiles.]

Mrs. Weasley: Where have you been?

"See." Molly smirked.

[The boys nearly jump out of their skin. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at Harry.]

Mrs. Weasley: Harry, how wonderful to see you dear

[Mrs. Weasley turns back to Fred, George and Ron.]

Mrs. Weasley: Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!
[Mrs. Weasley turns back to Harry.]
Of course, I don't blame you, Harry dear.

Avery scoffed, "He could literally do no wrong in Molly's eyes."

Harry smirked, "Someone sounds jealous."

"I'm not. I don't get jealous. I get even. You would know that better than anyone, wouldn't you, love?" Avery playfully pouted tilting her head.

"Fourth year was so fun." Jasper and Theo snorted.

Ron: They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!

Mrs. Weasley: Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!

[Mrs. Weasley starts softening instantly.]

Mrs. Weasley: Come on, Harry. Time for a spot of breakfast.

[The scene changes to the Weasley family sitting at the table, Mrs. Weasley serving them breakfast.]

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