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[The sound is deafening as Harry hurtles forward, squinting against the sting of whirling soot and the mad flickering lights of passing fireplaces. He falls face forward... onto a stone hearth. Dizzy and dirty, Harry reclaims his shattered glasses. He's tumbled into a wizard's shop, but a decidedly creepy one. He starts to exit, when a withered hand in a glass case catches his eye: The Hand of Glory. Nearby, an opal necklace gleams: Caution: Do not touch. Cursed--Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date. Oddly transfixed by it all, Harry drifts toward the exit, when... Draco Malfoy and his father, Lucius Malfoy, appear beyond the front window, approaching the shop. Harry glances about, spies a large black cabinet and slips inside.]

"Oi, Potter! You don't belong in there!" Evan shouted.

"Malfoy though... seems about right." Regulus muttered.

[Draco walks in touching a statue, until Lucius slams his walking stick on top of his hand. Making Draco retreat his hand, looking at his father in fear.]

Narcissia slapped her husband, "You did NOT just hurt my son?!" The man was appalled and stuttered to come up with a response.

Bellatrix sneered at the man, "I swear to Salazar Slytherin, if this is not the last time you treat my nephew like this, you won't make it to see the last movies."

The great hall shuddered listening to the Black sisters threats.

"Mum, Auntie Bella. Sorry to tell you, but it gets worse as I age. Including... that." Draco hinted nodded to his right arm.

Most purebloods caught on, and Narcissia and Bellatrix wanted to murder Lucius right then and there.

Lucius: Don't touch anything, Draco.

Draco: Yes, father.

Narcissia glared at her husband, "Why did you bring him there anyway? He's thirteen! He's going to be curious and touch things!"

"His bleach dye got to his brain cells Cissy." Andromeda sneered.

[In the cabinet, Harry watches, unaware that the walls around him are... slowly closing in.]

Mr. Borgin: Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably--

Lucius: I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling.

"Today? So you go there often you git?!" Narcissia scolded, while her husband gulped scared.

The future generation was in awe but a little scared, never seeing this side of Narcissia was very, very new.

Evan leaned closer to Barty, "Five galleons Lucius is going to be slapped at least seven times by the end of the movie."

Barty smirked, " I say five. Deal." they shake hands.

Mr. Borgin: Selling?

Lucius: Draco.
[Draco puts a box on the counter.]

Lucius: You are aware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses. There's even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act. [Lucius unravels a roll of parchment, hands it to Borgin.] I have a few... ah... items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like...

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