- 2.18

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"So let me summarize what we just watched. Tom Riddle, aka the 'Dark Lord', preserved his soul in a diary for decades. That same diary fell into the hands of the Ministry, where Malfoy just so happens to easily get his hands on, and discreetly put it with Ginny's books. So far so good?" Lily stated earning a nod from the future generation.

"Basically on the nose so far, Lils. Continue." Avery assured.

Marlene started to pick up where she left off, "Ginny brought the book to school, not knowing where it came from, but kept it as a diary for herself. Then it started to take over her, making her help the basilisk petrify muggleborns and write bloody messages on the wall. Correct?"

"Absolutely correct." Jasper nodded.

"And you three, the original trio, hear voices from the basilisk and understand parseltongue out of nowhere because this mysterious connection you guys have from a prophecy or old wives tale?" Dorcas asked.

"You guys are doing great, keep going." Ron stated.

"And you're telling me, Avery was knocked unconscious by Ginny, who was also knocked unconscious by Tom, and was brought to the Chambers for the ultimate reveal of Tom being V- Voldemort?" Remus questioned earning a nod from his daughter.

"Almost done, but you guys are killing it." Ariel reassured.

"Don't forget Lockhart being the biggest fraud of the Wizarding World, endangering kids, and obliviating himself." A random Ravenclaw pointed out.

"Can never forget that!" Amara chuckled.

"Harry basically defeating Voldemort for the second time, a decade apart. All because Lucius Malfoy basically infiltrated the Ministry, abused his power and knowledge to bring Voldemort back into your lives so he could kill Potter and take over the Wizarding World." Regulus concluded.

The future generation all nodded at each other in amazement.

"Seems like you all understood it perfectly. Any questions pertaining to the movie?" Avery asked.

The present generation all shrugged and shook their heads no. "We're really trying to hold out until the end." Lily said sympathetically.

Avery smiled at her godmother, "Well the next movie is going to answer some questions on the rest of you guy's' whereabouts."

Theo smirked and said, "And the drama you all have been waiting for! The love triangle of third year!"

Avery, Draco, and Harry sigh heavily as their friends smirk and cheer with the great hall.

"But most importantly, Ms. Bones will see some things that the Ministry brush under the rug and how they handle future crimes when she retires."

"Also, how much friendship really means to some of you." Hermione added.

The present generation grew more curious, looking at each other. We're they really ready for the next movie.

The future generation all stood up, "Same time tomorrow everyone. You all have a good night." Avery smiled as they walked out the great hall.


Everyone got settled into the lounge chairs. The future generation sat down, except the original trio. The three stopped at the very front of the hall, ready to give a warning announcement.

Avery sighed, "Okay, a couple things before we get started. We just want to remind everyone that this is the future. So nothing has happened yet. Please don't blame your friends for their actions they haven't done yet, because you have the power to change this outcome."

"Another thing, please don't ask us why are we doing these certain things. We're teenagers, the hormones are growing. And growing up, I've heard worse stories about you guys. So you have no room for judgment." Jasper said having a pointed look at the Marauders and their friends.

"Lastly, Ms. Bones. I hope you change all future protocols and repercussions when it comes to the crimes in our world. Because Fudge makes his decisions based of fear and not facts." Harry concluded.

"Yeah, you guys are scaring the shit out of me." Jasmine deadpanned, her friends nodding in agreement.

Avery chuckled and waved her mom off, "Trust me, this was our chillest year. Nothing scary— or well too scary happens. And dad I'm sorry about your condition about to be announced to everyone here. But don't worry, when all this is over, Ms. Bones is going to insure you get the resources you need without the discrimination."

Remus stiffened for a second, but seeing the optimistic look on his daughter's face made him relax. As long as his daughter, best friends and the love of his life didn't care about his condition, he could give a shit about what the rest of this hall thinks.

The trio sat down by their friends, all of them a little curious about how they're going to react to the betrayal, drama, and hormones on the screen.

"Alright everyone, let's get to the good part!" Theo smirked. Dumbledore started the movie.

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"

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