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[ A flash of green light seers the screen, making us see Harry fidgeting in his sleeping Ron's room. When a candle lights up our view.]

Hermione: [gently shaking him awake] Harry.

Harry: [bolts awake] Hermione? When'd you get here?

Hermione: [walking over to Ron's bed] Just now. You?

Harry: [adjust his glasses] Last night.

Hermione: [pushing the boy awake] Wake up. Wake up, Ronald!

Ron: [wakes up startled and pulls the cover over himself] Bloody hell.

"Why did you cover yourself up?" Ginny chuckled.

Bill giggled, "Ronnie naked!"

Hermione: [rolls her eyes] Honestly. Get dressed, Jasper and Avery just got here, and don't go back to sleep. [hits his leg] Come on Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready.

[As she leaves Ron groans and tries to go back to sleep until a pillow hits his face.]

Ron: [groans] The bloody hell?

Jasper: [smirks entering the room] I believe your girlfriend just told you to wake up. [looks to Harry] And yours is downstairs helping serve breakfast.

Ron: [stutters, blushing] She-she's not my— I mean we're not...

Jasper: Please shut up. Get dressed and come eat breakfast. [claps his hands, smiles] Big day ahead of us.

[The boys watch Jasper leave then glance at each other. They shrug and reluctantly get up and get dressed. As they get downstairs everyone is excited but a little tired.]

Molly: [serving Jasper some eggs] Morning boys! Come sit, eat. Come.

Ron: [yawns sitting down by Ginny] Why do have to be up so bloody early?

Arthur: We got to get there early if we want to enjoy everything! Come on now, eat up!

"Ugh, the suspense and the not knowing is killing me!" Barty groaned.

"If we ever go to a muggle theater, remind me to never sit next to you." Evan rolled his eyes.

Harry: [sits next to Avery, smiles] Morning, love.

Avery: [smiles, chuckles] Morning, Harry.

[After breakfast they all gathered their things to leave. The twins were sneakily stuffing their tricks and prank items in their pockets and book-sack. Avery already knew Molly would check them so she secretly put some in her bag.]

Molly: [happily claps her hands] Okay, everyone have everything they need?

Ginny: [nods eagerly] Yes let's get going! The Quidditch Cup awaits!

Fred: I agree with Ginny here. Let's get going.

George: Yes, out the door we go. [tries to push Fred out the door.]

Molly: Not so fast you two. [she points at the twins and then points to the spot in front of her] Here, now. [the twins are now in front her] Empty your pockets.

Fred: Why are you searching us?

George: Yeah, it's like you don't trust us to be on our best behaviors.

Molly: [deadpans] Because I don't. Pockets. Empty. Now!

[The twins sigh and do as told. Half of their joke stuff they planned to sell at the Quidditch Cup were on the table.]

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