- 1.15

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"I'm scared to keep watching." Lily stated.

"As much as I would love to answer questions, I'm tired." Avery stated, causing her friends to nod in agreement.

The Marauders and friends all stood up shaking their heads, "No! You lot promised to answer our questions!" Sirius shouted.

"Dad, most of your questions we can't answer anyway." Jasper stated softly.

"Yeah, Uncle Pads. We can answer questions pertaining to the movie we just watched. However we'll answer them in the morning." Amara added.

The present generation nodded their heads.

Avery and Harry led their friends out of the great hall. Harry stopped and turned around, "We'll watch the second movie same time tomorrow."

The rest of the great hall just watched them leave. Dumbledore stood, "Everyone can head back to their dormitories. Filch will you show our remaining guests to their guest chambers on the east side of the castle. I believe Mr. Potter and Ms. Lupin led their group to the west wing chambers."

The great hall emptied out, all very curious about what tomorrow's movie will bring.

What could be worse than battling a troll, a fake professor, and Voldemort somewhat in the flesh?

Well, they were about to find out.


Students were in their regular clothing since there was no school for days to come. All of them were discussing about the events they watch happen last night.

The future generation walked in looking a bit refreshed. They all decided to sit by their parents. Draco, Blaise and Theo went to the Slytherin table; Luna, Amara, and Ariel went to the Ravenclaw table; while the rest went to the Gryffindor table.

Sitting with their parents felt so surreal, even if they were alive in their time, they were still different because they weren't born yet. Hell, they weren't even thought of.

The Weasleys were enjoying their family time. Not thinking about the what if's from the war. Just happy their all there, while teasing their little big brothers.

Neville was just happy to be able to actually talk to his parents, and them remembering who he was was even more ethereal.

Jasper had both of his parents at one time. Something he hasn't had since he was one years old.

Draco was enjoying not having the pressure from his father, and enjoying his mother's care. He would always do anything for his mother, knowing she would do the same for him.

Amara was loving seeing her dad. (again ;)) Him being with her mom, seeing her mom's smile look brighter than ever, brought joy to her heart.

Harry actually got to meet his parents. Seeing them in real life, and not through pictures and memories, made all kinds of happy.

Avery was so happy to see her friends happy, praying that this trip will all be worth it.


"Alright Dumbles, you know the drill." Jasper stated as everyone fast down in the great hall.

The seats turned into lounge chairs, snacks and treats became available, and the screen was floating above once again.

Avery turned to the present generation, "You guys ready?"

They all glanced at each other curious and nervous. Natalie spoke up, "Round two, shall we?" They all nodded in agreement.

Everyone's focus turned to the screen as McGonagall started the next movie.

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets..."

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