- 3.10

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[The camera looks towards the moon, then fogs and cut to a crystal ball. Murky with smoke.]

Trelawney: [voice-over] Broaden your minds! You must look beyond!

[Harry is looking into a crystal ball in Divination class. Ron is asleep.]

Trelawney: The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the Inner Eye. Only then will you see— Oh! What do we have there? [ as she eyes Harry's crystal ball, Hermione raises her hand to answer] You, Ms. Granger?

Hermione: It's the Grim. Possibly.

Trelawney: [eyes narrowing, smacks her lips, and grabs Hermione's hand] My dear, from the moment you first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave. [pats Hermione's hand.]

McGonagall muttered some things shaking her head, still wondering why Dumbledore hired the professor.

[Stung, Hermione starts to reply, but -- remarkably -- seems incapable of a single word. Rising gracelessly, jerking her hand from the professor, she exits, knocking her crystal ball to the floor. Harry watches curiously as the ball rolls slowly out the doorway...]

Trelawney: [oblivious] Was it something I said?

"It was everything you said." Hermione huffed rolling her eyes.

Lavender: 'In late spring, one of our number will leave us forever!' You knew, Professor! You saw.

Trelawney: On these occasions, I take no joy in my gift, Miss Brown.

Avery sighed, "I can relate to that."

[The scene changes to the students exiting the class, down a spiral staircase. Ron and Harry slowly going down the steps.]

Ron: She's gone mental, Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see...

[Ron stops, glances at Harry, then moves off. Harry watches him go, along with the others, then spies Hermione's crystal ball lying on the landing.]

[Harry sets Hermione's crystal back on its stand, starts to go, when... the smoke within the crystal suddenly darkens. Leaning close, Harry watches the shape that appears. It is unmistakable: Sirius Black. Just then, a shadow crawls the glossy surface of the crystal and a hand snatches Harry's shoulder. He wheels, finds...]

Harry: Professor Trelawney --

Trelawney: He will return tonight....

"He who?" Natalie questioned.

[Harry stiffens. Trelawney's voice is eerily hollow.]

Harry: S-sorry?

Trelawney: Tonight, when the clock strikes twelve, the servant shall break free. He and his Master shall be reunited. It cannot be prevented.

[Trelawney smiles savagely... then her head falls forward. When it rises, she blinks, eyes the hand that lies upon Harry's shoulder. Her hand.]

Trewlawney: So sorry, dear boy. Did you say

[Her voice normal once again. Harry shakes his head.]

Harry: No. Nothing.

[The scene changes to Avery. Breathing shakily. Looking at the words she wrote on her parchment. The exact same prophecy Trewlaney just said to Harry. But she didn't know that. The girl hid the piece of parchment in her trunk and left her room, looking for a bit of fresh air.]

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