Chapter 1

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Update 7/12/2018: I went back to this fanfic recently to see how it aged (since I wrote this back in 2015), and it aged really badly (so far I've only read the early chapters) in terms of word usage, spelling, and grammar.  So before I decide to work on continuing this fanfic, I'm gonna fix up the errors that are in this.

Pit was just out in the marketplace selling some of his handmade iron products. He's just an ordinary boy who lives in a village selling some metallic products. His current occupation is a blacksmith just like his father, his father was the one who taught him how to work with metal. As time went on, Pit then grew into a great blacksmith and some even argue that his skills are currently as efficient as his father's.

Occasionally, people or visitors from far lands would assign tasks for Pit to craft a certain item they wanted in exchange for money. It was usually either a weapon or some sort of metallic tool that is used in everyday life. And sometimes people would also commission him to repair any broken object, whenever Pit is assigned such a job, he prefers to fix the object for free since it is currently really expensive for metallic parts or items to be repaired. Very rarely would he even charge a fee for the repair.

When Pit started to learn about how blacksmith function at an early age from his father, he would have a hard time forming the heated iron into a straight line. His father was a very patient man with the brunette when it came to blacksmithing. Soon after the brunette got the hang of it, he decided that he would start helping out his father with making and selling metallic products.

His mother was a local doctor but she wasn't an official doctor due to the fact that women weren't widely accepted nor acknowledged to be doctors at the time. But she was a very knowledgeable woman when it came to medicine, occasionally when she had time, she would teach Pit about medicine. Pit over time became knowledgeable in medicine and learned some of the medical procedures it came to certain medical procedures. Even though the little boy was taught about both medicine and crafting with metal, his interest went moreover to becoming a blacksmith just like his father. His mother didn't mind that her only son chose to become the same profession as her husband was and encouraged her son regardless of his choice. All she wished of for her son is that he would grow up healthy, strong, and knowledgeable with the world. And maybe if Pit chose to, raise his own family. A random fact about her is that she was the one who suggested her son to be called Pit. When she told her husband that, he laughed jokingly said Pit looked more like a Pitty Pat than anything else.

One day when Pit's mother passed away from an unexpected illness, all that remained was just a young child and his father. It was a very depressing turn of events from both males as it was something that neither of them could've prevented. Neither male resisted the urge to cry into each other's arms and both grieved for the next few months. Pit's father decided to be strong for his only son and tried to do whatever he could to help both him and Pit to recover from their tragic loss. Years later Pit's father met a woman during his work in the town market, over time this woman would soon help him feel the love that he was missing since the day his wife passed. He would eventually then bring up the courage confess his feelings for this new woman and eventually remarry. Pit was more than content to see that his father was able to find love again. But later on he would learn that this new mother of his wasn't as kind as his former mother was.

When he first met her she had long blonde hair that was tied slightly on the side of her head, she came off as rude to the brunette and later learned that she also had children and Pit was excited to hear that he would be getting some brothers or sisters that he can play with.

She had 3 daughters, the eldest shared the same blonde hair color as her mother but with had a faint mixture of reddish orangish color on the tips of her blonde hair, the little boy wasn't sure if those extra colors were natural or dyed. The second eldest was of a girl with red crimson hair and the youngest was a very young girl with brown hair and with two small pigtails tied to the back of her head.

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